Quote Originally Posted by Lucyinthesky View Post
I have not seen Blade Runner yet but yes, itīs quite crazy which I guess helps to sell the story because "comics" but also because he was not really aware it was a doombot, itīs still a mess but is better than leaving it as Bendis did, it isnt a good look for Clint that instead of helping Wanda when she was amnesiac, that he just decided to sleep with her and just leave her there without helping her since heīs supposed to be her friend. This doombot retcon doensīt erase that but at least it wasnīt really Wanda.

You know, I think Slott and Cantwell are writting a different version of Zora and thatīs the problem. Slott always wrote her as the right hand woman of Victor, unconditional supporter of Latveria and the one who managed to push him towards leading the country once again while Doom was deppressed for not being able to become a superhero and Cantwell introduced Zoraīs backstory with her parents that definitely puts her in Kristoff place as Doomīs heir, right hand and emotional support. So my guess is that Slott didnīt want to erase his original version of Zora and Doom story so he went with a marriage for them, even if it was a ceremonial one instead of an adoption, I could see Slott version of Zora agreeging while it would be strange for Cantwell Zora to do so. In the end I think this is why the marriage was a dead end from the beggining because Slott could not take back the changes Cantwell introduced in the dynamic with Zora and Victor but he seems to be ok with going on with her being his right hand.

About Reed, what I liked about "Bride of Doom" was that both Reed and Victor were really trying this time, like Reed didnīt want to use the opotunity to spy Doom and Victor stopped all his projects to attack the FF4 and it was nice to see the main reason behind that is that at some level both admit the other is the one person who can really challenge them intellectually and if they couldo only get over their issues, they could even be friends at some point. I think Reed remembers that other AU Victor whoīs his friend who asked him to not give up on his own Victor and I think after Cantwell series itīs clear Doom is starting to feel alone and in need of having a positive relationship with people he can see as his equal and the closest person of that for him is Reed. Thatīs how I see it.
Now that you mention it, I forgot that Doom actually asked Reed to be his best man, well maybe not asked but he challenged him to a duel as a condition. He'd never ask directly because he would feel that would be like begging.

You know what might be interesting is if Victorious would get her own one shot issue but I think I would prefer if Cantwell wrote it. I don't get a sense that Slott is that deep of a writer.