Quote Originally Posted by Robotman View Post
Oh absolutely. I don’t think I’ve ever seen self sabotage like that with a character before. David Walker and Ivan Reis gave them the perfect version of the character and they flushed it. That Vic Stone was finally the tech god of the future that they had been trying to create and DC said “nah, let’s just revert him to tragic clunky Frankenstein.”
When you do NOT control EVERYTHING including editing stuff like that happens.

We saw with New 52 Static, Jason Rusch and John Stewart.
You can not just have a strong writer-you need a stronger EDITOR.

You can't have an editor default Xanshi-something that even 90s John Stewart trading cards kept mentioning (I own them).

How many times In mainstream Dc have we see John's family since 1988? Or his wife get mentioned?

He has an adopted brother-whose to say that brother is not the father of Jakeem Thunder? Exxy from Cyborg?