They are nowhere near even. Freyja tried to completely destroy Loki’s life while Loki was trying to protect Freyja in his own way. Was it wrong that he stabbed her? Yes, but he did it out of protection for both her and to prove himself to Malekith and Laufey so he could infiltrate the Dark Council. So, while both acts are bad, they also differ massively in motivations. I’m not saying that Loki should start a war against her, but I do think he should dismiss her as his mother and treat her like she doesn’t exist. Just wash his hands of her and be done with it.

Why should it be following Aaron’s lead? Just because you don’t like AOA doesn’t mean Aaron’s writing was superior or that’s the way the characters should go.
Being in Asgard stories doesn’t protect Loki though in fact there’s much more of a high chance he will turn evil in the Asgard books then there is any other series. In fact, it was made quite clear in the Asgardian books that Loki cannot escape his fate of being the God of lies and evil. As you said, Aaron’s whole angle was to show that Gods can’t escape their fate no matter how much they might want to or how much they will try. Aaron has set that up and now it’s stuck because Cates is now running with it as well. Freyja doesn’t want him to change. Thor doesn’t want him to change. Asgard doesn’t want him to change. No one wants him to change.
And there’s no role that Loki can take that isn’t the God of lies. He can’t be champion because that’s Thor’s role and Loki is not worthy to wield Mjolnir. He can’t be King because the Asgardians hate him and would never accept him as their king. Plus, Angela, Balder and Tyr have better rights than Loki does. Oh, I also forgot Laussa or whatever the baby’s name is but at this point I don’t even know she exists anymore. He can’t be the huntress/hunter as that’s Freyja’s job, at least it looks like it is. Sif has her job. So, no matter which way you look at it there’s only two options for Loki either it’s either go back to his villainous ways as he takes back the title of god of lies or he disappears from the Asgardian side of things for good.

The only other option is if they split up the King and All-Father roles where one takes charge of Asgard and the other takes charge of the magic side of things.
Okay maybe it’s not exactly the same because the slaughter of his people is much worse than saying bad stuff about Thor but it would also prove that Loki is going back to his old ways and that’s where it starts.

I wish I could do the same but I just don't see how they can have Loki in Asgardian books and not make him a villain because as I said Aaron has pretty much set his fate in stone.