Quote Originally Posted by Lukmendes View Post
So I played Hulk Ultimate Destruction a few months ago.

Some things about the game aged poorly, the jump mechanics are awkward, and I know the point is to have different jumping heights, but while playing it I was comparing it with Ultimate Spider-Man's Venom jump mechanics, where he has a regular and a super jump, instead of chargeable jumps.

Some of the things from the combat haven't aged that well too.

But, even with shit like this, the game has clear passion, the mini games are varied and I generally had fun with 'em, it's the right formula that just needs some polishing to be even better.

I don't trust a modern Triple A game to get anything about Ultimate Destruction right though lol.

From what I hear, the MCU Hulk game is basically just "Ultimate Destruction but worse" lol.
Yeah the controls and gameplay obviously need improvement for a modern iteration, but damn if it isn’t still the best Hulk video game experience. Beats the hell out of the games that came later. The story however is the kind of thing we’d probably never get now, it’s dark and intense and focused on Bruce’s psychology. We get Doc Samson as a major supporting character, nowadays it would almost certainly be Tony Stark. I miss the days when Hulk could get dark as hell and he had his own world to play in with his own cast, instead of being reduced to the “Big Guy” of the Avengers.
Quote Originally Posted by Frontier View Post
I've played it. Can verify.
Was so hyped to play a new Hulk game and it took all the wind out of my sails to have it be worse than something that came out years prior.