I honestly would love one with Nightwing as the spear head I also like the idea of the OG Titans being thrown back together by some comic twist of fate. I'd prefer to have some changes done on them though and make it more of a reunion type thing where something has happened to each of them and changed them in some regard. What I'm thinking is to have something take place for a prologue that impacts all their lives indirectly and for Nightwing to unintentionally have played a major part in it then I'd fast forward a few months where all of them are shown down on their luck.

I like this idea as it'd set a more adult tone and add to a reunion theme for the group if while separated all their lives still were sort of intertwined. The characters I'd use would be Cyborg, BB, Raven, Starfire, and of course Dick.
I also think this would be a good way to bring in characters from the cartoon and I also think Dick unintentionally screwing up multiple lives would make for some potentially good drama and comedic moments. Like Cyborg getting canceled because he defended Dick and maybe having to team up with BB (who could be hard up for cash) as a pair of bounty hunters. I can see Raven fully turned into a demon sorcerous adding a bit a of dark comedy to the team and being the cut throat member. I also like the idea of rekindling things with Dick and Starfire maybe expand on the lore by having a twist like her having his kind in secret and bringing in a young Nightstar.

I like the idea of the group just being thrown back together because of circumstances. As for how I'd bring in characters from the cartoon series I'd have some as bounties and others being tied to Dick's time as Rick for comedic reasons. Like maybe have a flashback of "Rick" being a jerk and ruining a fanboy's life (like him being reckless turned the guy into a meta that's trapped in TV Land) and said fanboy became Control Freak because of it. I also like the idea of Control Freak being a former Nitghtwing fan until "Rick" screwed his life up. Besides I love the thought of a villain whose obsessive knowledge on the Titans and other heroes makes him a threat. I can also picture Mad Mod as a super genius from Britian and I can see Cinderblock revamped as Bill Wintergreen having suffered from a mutation triggered by a fight between the Titans and Deathstroke.