Quote Originally Posted by charliehustle415 View Post
I think all of this was planned pre-pandemic and a lot of it was nixed super last minute and mistakes were made.

For example Storm's kid was nixed after most of the art was done, Hickman made a mistake with the dialogue for Vulcan while doing last minute edits and kinda screwed the pooch, Ewing didn't want to do the Moira book, the other writers didn't want to go with the plan so he changed things on the fly, and finally covid.

I think all of this was supposed to be year one and beginning of year two which would then lead to his finale; which makes sense if you look at the timeline
Ewing did want to write the Moira book. In the interview Hickman says Ewing was reticent at first but after thinking about it he was all in on the idea.

Without the pandemic and XoS being it's original length and scope, what date would it have ended? July-August?

I guess it depends on when the Imperial Guard book was thrown to the can. I remember Hickman saying the Moira X book being delayed (that's what we all thought at the time) was a complicated issue to explain, I think when he was promoting Reign of X or XoS.

I don't know, I just have a hard time pin pointing when all these ideas he had were changed and when he actually decided he was leaving the X-Office.