So, to summarize:

Firestar, as you know, originated in Spider-man and his Amazing friends. Seeing she was popular, Marvel made her into a comic book character meant to attract teenage girls. They made her into a mutant and put her on the X-side, where she was taken in by Emma Frost who gaslighted and psychologically abused her to make her into an assassin to kill her rival Selene. Old School Emma did not care about her children. Firestar was her weapon.

She destroyed the girl's relationship with her father to increase her dependence on her and her own. Even though her father genuinely wanted to reconnect with his daughter. She also burned the girl's horse to make her look like a danger to others so she can't run. Also, Empath tried to Purple Man her.

And Emma tried to have her arrested by the Freedom Force for being an unregistered mutant as punishment for leaving her. Since fleeing Emma, she had never been on another mutant team. (Except for Amazing X-Men, but we won't talk about that.)

Has Emma ever apologized for any of this?