What is your opinion, its funny how every adaptation of Spidey, almost all of it always goes back to high school with some exceptions like the PS4 game that has him a full adult with bills. I admit, I very biased on reading about adult Peter and his supporting cast due to well I'm sick of high school tropes. I got into Spidey in my childhood and was exposed to the 94 animated series that focus on Peter college life and I was reading the comics that had a married Peter and I was and still am a fan of the marriage and MJ, I was crushing on MJ and second Felicia back when I was that era. I admit, I was in my sophomore year and well Ultimate Spider-man 1 by Bendis Bagley came and well regretfully didn't pick it up and it wasn't until years later I did. my reason. well I wanted to read about adult Peter with adult problems because high school for me sucked and I dont want to be reminded of that especially reading about Peter who's high school life suck alot more than mine did, so I just kept reading JMS Amazing. There's also some adult Peter life that was too damn depressing to read like BND which Big time was a nice change. I also liked the supporting cast in adult Peter life more, especially the development of Flash. I'm bias to read about the Flash who military experience and how Spidey action shape him made him a better person who actually grew to respect and befriended Peter and with a backstory that explains why he was such a jerk in the early days. Well this is the thread for those here who wants to give there two cents here. What you perfer, reading about Peter in high school or you rather read watch about Peter in his adult life? I figure it would be a interesting conversation starter.