I liked this issue, it was very fun, and seems to take place after the also released today ASM #85. spoilers:
In ASM 85 Ock’s arms get blown up, the pair he is wearing here is attached along his spine, much like the Raimi version.
end of spoilers It’s strange that it’s emphasized how “Doctor Octopus” isn’t a reoccurring multiversal constant, when we know this is not true due to the multiple Spider-Verse based realities. I like how the Spider-Man/Otto Parker version of Otto is wearing a variation of 616 Ottos’ outfit. A lot of the story revolves around how Otto had an abusive father, staying true to Otto’s history. He seems to specifically recruit variants of himself/heroes that also had an abusive father. I wish we saw a bit more good in Otto like we have still been seeing in ASM, because it still puts a bad taste in my mouth that Otto would go back to being this evil after being a hero for so long. Loved this first issue, and look forward to Thompson’s future issues!