SPID ER-M AN AND HIS AMAŽING THREADS Spider-Man might be the most recognizable superhero created in the last 52 years, but that doesn't mean he hasn't changed up his look occasionally. Untangle the web of Spider-Man's various costumes through the decades with a look back on what got his Spidey-fashion-sense tingling. 19 6 2 PROTOT YPE According to Spider-Man co-creator Steve Ditko, the first person to draw Spider-Man was Jack Kirby, co-creator of Avengers, X-Men, and Fantastic Four. Unfortunately, all illustrations of Kirby's version of the character - who had a half mask and a węb gun – have been considered lost. 19 62 ORIGIN A L When Steve Ditko was asked to redraw Spider-Man's debut in Amazing Fantasy #15, he also completely redesigned the costume. Ditko gave Spider-Man his iconic full mask and wrist shooters, as well as the web pattern on his costume and wing-like webbing under his arms. 1966 CLA S S IC Spider-Man's color scheme was originally black and red, with highlights colored in blue due to printing limitations. By the time John Romita, Sr. took over as artist, the costume had become fully blue and red, and the underarm webbing was eventually forgotten. 198 4 SYMBI OTE In 1982, a fan named Randy Schueller mailed in an idea he had for a new costume. Surprisingly, Marvel editor Jim Shooter accepted and bought the concept. The costume was fleshed out by Mike Zeck and Rick Leonardi, and the red portions of Schueller's design were changed to white. 19 8 8 M O DE R N Rising star Todd McFarlane took a few liberties when returning Spider-Man to his old costume.