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  1. #1
    The Revan.....lives! Oswin's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
    The Netherlands

    Default You vs Prime You

    That's right.

    The plot gods have scoured the vast infinite multiverse to find the perfect you, prime you. he is the best version of you that you can be, physically, mentally, charismatically, intellectually, economically, socially, well you get the gist of it.

    If you have a significant other, he/she will also be turned into a prime and be with you. If you have nobody, the perfect person will be found for you in all of the multiverse.

    Prime you is 25 years old as well.

    Sounds pretty sweet right? cept there is one caveat..

    The plot gods have to mindwipe you (and your significant other) to implant the prime's knowledge and experiences, effectively killing what makes you, "you".

    Perhaps Prime you can better serve this world than you can, plus you'll be damn near as perfect as you can potentially be...but is the cost to high?

    What do you decide?

  2. #2
    My Face Is Up Here Powerboy's Avatar
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    May 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Oswin View Post
    That's right.

    The plot gods have scoured the vast infinite multiverse to find the perfect you, prime you. he is the best version of you that you can be, physically, mentally, charismatically, intellectually, economically, socially, well you get the gist of it.

    If you have a significant other, he/she will also be turned into a prime and be with you. If you have nobody, the perfect person will be found for you in all of the multiverse.

    Prime you is 25 years old as well.

    Sounds pretty sweet right? cept there is one caveat..

    The plot gods have to mindwipe you (and your significant other) to implant the prime's knowledge and experiences, effectively killing what makes you, "you".

    Perhaps Prime you can better serve this world than you can, plus you'll be damn near as perfect as you can potentially be...but is the cost to high?

    What do you decide?
    NO! Even though a lot of physical pain would be gone, hard pass.
    Power with Girl is better.

  3. #3


    At a glance it seems that a lot of what makes up the prime version is how it's perceived by others, which would my evacuation somewhat fruitless since it's going to be a complete stranger placed into an environment that is just different enough that a lot of its clout might not be so viable.

    That'd be one strike against the ceiling of the prime's potential. The other is taking it out of its zone, where it has accumulated the necessary life experience in an environment where it has been allowed to flourish, and is now being placed into relatively diminished circumstances. Even for an alternate universe counterpart that's snatching my body, kind of a dick move, all things considered.

  4. #4
    E-Liter3K Scoped Headshot The MunchKING's Avatar
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    Munch, Capital of So Asbena


    Quote Originally Posted by Oswin View Post
    That's right.

    The plot gods have scoured the vast infinite multiverse to find the perfect you, prime you. he is the best version of you that you can be, physically, mentally, charismatically, intellectually, economically, socially, well you get the gist of it.

    If you have a significant other, he/she will also be turned into a prime and be with you. If you have nobody, the perfect person will be found for you in all of the multiverse.
    I thought I'd already maxed out my stats. If this guy has better stats, he clearly got Nippon Ichii in his WtvY thread.
    The MunchKING is Back! And he is AWSOME!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    Prime me is a smaller scale version of the Dick Emperor of Mankind.

    Unafraid to use charisma, unabashedly releases destructive technologies for profit(in the world of high performance cars the team I was on reached and under some conditions exceeded current EV acceleration 15 years ago with forced induction. We decided to never release what we did, or how we did it for the greater good) and acts for self interest instead of for the team(or whole)

    Prime me is not afraid to hurt people before being hurt, Prime me does not forgive, and is extremely vindictive.

    Prime me gets to the facts even if it has to tear down what others desperately want to believe in, even if the facts leaves others hopeless and in a very negative mental state.

    Prime me does not pull punches, and maybe worst of all,

    Prime me knows that in this world might makes right either monetarily, physically, legally, politically, or influentially. Prime me has no time for argument or philosophy; Prime me acts, and disregards feelings in favour of fact. Prime me obtains what it wants and pays no cost in making it happen.

    Oh, and Prime me is fresh out of the military, while carrying both that mindset and skill set in its physically strongest form(turret-mounted 50cal and 40mm AGL in either hand, yeet them both up to the deck of the AFV at the same time, and one-man mount the pair while being timed by an Instructor)

    This is NOT something which is suitable for society, this thing should be shot. Problem is, its going to know the legal loopholes and who to hire to get away with pre-emptive murder.
    Last edited by T51R; 01-22-2022 at 07:54 PM.

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