Quote Originally Posted by ExodusCloak View Post
When I read this issue I was surprised that this is what they fall out over the QC. Its actually so minor and Scott once tortured a guy to get information when he had Karma in the room. As well as wanted to break Bishops mind to get more information in another instance. Plus he had the Cuckoos on stand by to clean up after X-Force. Any way when I read this I had to face palm...

Anyway...the QC have a lot more to fall out over then protecting the protocols from their enemies. I'm surprised Xavier didn't get pissed off with them in the first place. Or did Emma smooth everything over so the QC didn't reprimand him
Its been pretty obvious that Marvel has been trying to walk back Utopia era Scott back to his previous characterization for a while now. How you want to interpret that is up to you, but I spin it as Utopia was never who Scott naturally is, or ever was, it was Who He Had To Be when times were at their darkest. He buried his self doubts and disgust for the larger goal of ensuring there would actually be mutants left to condemn him after he was gone. Now times are nowhere near as dark, and he can be who he wants to be. Well, until his public death, anyways.