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  1. #1
    Batman 93
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    Feb 2022

    Default Ancient Mayan links to Batman

    Hello everyone,

    I’ve recently come across some material that I think may interest some of you. I’m a Professor of Comparative Literature in Milan, Italy, specializing specifically in Ancient Cultures and Religions. Privately, I’m also what I would consider an Occult hobbyist, having read much material, including some very obscure authors on all sorts of wild topics.

    One of these authors has caught my attention these last few years. Especially a title he published under the pseudonym NEO-Shiva K’hanBatz Men. The title of this book is the AENoMYTh oV’ITh (which I write with hesitation, considering this author’s obsessive nature over obscure spellings). In this 901 page, three Volume work, (of which he terms “Holy Writ”) shows a quite fascinating link between a key figure in the Mayan religious hierarchy known as the BAT, as a sort of energetic “antagonist” to a Pale Man (Xipe Totec) who wears the skin of his predecessors as a religious relic and token of having “drunk the dregs of the bitter Red Cup oV Knowledge.”

    The correlations between this Mayan Codex (which the Author claims to have uncovered and translated himself in Ancient Thebes in early 2021) and the recent publications by Snyder and friends in regards to the Court of Owls and Barbados (an obvious replacement for Baphomet) are quite striking. And knowing the current direction the Occult world is heading in, as almost a twin serpent to Batman, a collision course between these worlds seems imminent.

    If any of you are interested, the author recently posted something about this on his TikTok: @templeofthefeatheredserpent. There are plenty of links to his work there.

    Let me know your thoughts.


  2. #2
    Not a Newbie Member JBatmanFan05's Avatar
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    Arkham, Mass (lol no)


    Welcome to this board Paul.

    Boy, you lay some heavy stuff on us in this post.

    Firstly, your post's picture is not of anything Mayan...but rather "The picture actually shows a piece of art created (by the artist Kimball) for an exhibit at the Mexican Museum of Design in 2014"

    Privately, I’m also what I would consider an Occult hobbyist, having read much material, including some very obscure authors on all sorts of wild topics.
    Nice. I consider myself a very minor hobbyist of (real or fictional) occult hobbyists. So I read Lovecraft, read Montague Summers, etc. It's funny, reading your post alone makes me think I'm in some Lovecraft tale or part of Polanski's 1999 Ninth Gate film.

    a quite fascinating link between a key figure in the Mayan religious hierarchy known as the BAT, as a sort of energetic “antagonist” to a Pale Man (Xipe Totec) who wears the skin of his predecessors as a religious relic and token of having “drunk the dregs of the bitter Red Cup oV Knowledge.”
    This I am kind of interested in. You mean the bat god named Camazotz in Mayan mythology?

    The correlations between this Mayan Codex (which the Author claims to have uncovered and translated himself in Ancient Thebes in early 2021) and the recent publications by Snyder and friends in regards to the Court of Owls and Barbados (an obvious replacement for Baphomet) are quite striking.
    Being a professor, don't you think we should have some skepticism about both the Codex's claimed uncovering and the personal translation? I'm not sure this pseudonymed author passes the scientific standards for archaeology.
    Last edited by JBatmanFan05; 02-16-2022 at 07:02 AM.
    Things I love: Batman, Superman, AEW, old films, Lovecraft

    Grant Morrison: “Adults...struggle desperately with fiction, demanding constantly that it conform to the rules of everyday life. Adults foolishly demand to know how Superman can possibly fly, or how Batman can possibly run a multibillion-dollar business empire during the day and fight crime at night, when the answer is obvious even to the smallest child: because it's not real.”

  3. #3
    Batman 93
    Join Date
    Feb 2022


    By all means, Academia would dismiss it outright. But this is also the exact reason I keep my Occult interests to myself. If I expressed my true opinions outwardly, I’d pretty quickly lose my own PhD. The reason I bring the question to the table is because of the overwhelming value of the actual text. It rather accurately amalgamates the core mythologies of nearly every ancient culture into one… including our Modern Myths, such as Batman, while simultaneously introducing metaphysical and scientific concepts extremely advanced to our current understanding. This is no different than similar acts performed by say… Virgil or Dante. We can be as skeptical as we want as to the historical accuracy of Divine Comedy, but that doesn’t change its affect on the minds and times of its recipients.The historical and archaeological value of the Bible could also be skeptically argued - especially being sourced from a voice in a burning bush. This doesn’t change its effect.

    Our Super Hero Myths are similar in this regard… and I believe this is the point the author/(hypothetical archaeologist) may be making - that it doesn’t matter. “Who cares?” essentially. He did call the book an AENoMYTh, for example. If it’s all Mythology anyway, why not enroll all our greatest stories into each other to create a more holistic view of human consciousness?

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