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  1. #1
    Mighty Member Fuzzy Mittens's Avatar
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    May 2018

    Default What predictions do you have for Wonder Woman after Trial of the Amazons?

    Its been idly talked about here and there from who will live, who will die. Who will star in books and what ongoings will exist.

    But since we still have some time left before the event even starts, I thought it might be fun for us all to try and make predictions and guesswork on what may happen. Perhaps looking back to see who guessed right, who got it wrong, and what the fallout of the book may be either in story or for the Wonder Woman family of books

    For my own meager prediction, I see A Wonder Girl book existing in the future. Though I couldn't say which character would hold the book. Perhaps with it having a backup of its own.
    Also im fairly confident that Nubia will get an ongoing.

    In the event itself...I suspect Artemis will probably be the one to become guardian of the doorway. Though I confess I actually prefer the Bana to have their own secret magic city so im not sure how I feel about that

    Noooo idea what this will mean for the Brazilian Amazons. I don't feel like I saw enough to really get a feel or opinion of them yet outside of Yara herself

  2. #2
    Extraordinary Member Primal Slayer's Avatar
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    I dont think it'll have a huge impact. Nubia becomes Queen. The Bana, Immortal, Yara and crew return to the Amazon rainforest. Cassie or Hippolyta die/go back to being seldomly seen, Donna returns to the Titans, Diana to Mans World fighting crime.

  3. #3
    Ultimate Member sifighter's Avatar
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    Apr 2014


    Let's see these are all just baseless speculation but I kind of expect three books or so out of this, whether ongoing or miniseries is to be determined.

    1. Nubia, Artemis, Cassie, and Donna in a Amazon book

    2. Diana will get be more of a solo agent with the Amazon's under Nubia's rule, basically she is more free to do whatever she wants.

    3. I think with this being Yara's first big event and with Dark Crisis being a thing for her we can expect a new solo series to make up for the one cancelled by continuous delays
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