The Necromomicon has unleashed a spell that has sent Ash and friends to a different universe and replaced them with another trio. So in this Universal Mix-Up end of series Sam and Dean switch places and end up in the beginning of the Ash Vs Evil Dead series and are teleported to the front of the bar where the first Deadite appearsÂ…Summoned next to them is John Winchester. Ash, Pablo, and Kelly from the End of Season end up in the beginning of the series where they are hunting the lady in white.

-Ash has his normal gear;Chainsaw, Shotgun with Shells, metal hand.
-Pablo can be invisible to Demons
-Kelly had an MP5 Sub-Machine Gun
-They are driving around in the Oldsmobile. Full loaded.
Goal: Return to their realm.

-Sam has his pistol and his machete
-Dean has his pistol and his makeshift machete
-John Winchester has an Machete and a Shotgun
-They are driving around in the Impala. Fully loaded.
Goal: End the curse of the Necronomicon and Return to their realm.

Each party will only has their non-temporary power ups.

Do both teams survive and get back to their worlds, or do they fail? Do they run into each other and help or do they fight when they meet?