Quote Originally Posted by Diammandis View Post
reading this issue it may be the case that Fisher king may be a mutant after all, in "Red" he mentions he's never had a mutant weapon, and as we now know from LoX, Arraki mutant abilities, deemed useful in war are called weapons. SO it may be the case that the fisher king is a mutant that possesses an ability that is not offensive. This may also mean that his nickname as the "Unarmed King" may have been given to him because he doesn't possess a "weapon".
on one hand i like the insight on how arraki mutants view powers as either weapons or weaponless and how they might view other characters powers (would kurt be weaponless, with his powers being teleporting and looking like a blue devil?).
on the other hand i kinda liked the idea that humans born on arrako were considered weaponless and could still be warriors in this world and a someone like fisher king could not only survive, but thrive