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  1. #1
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    Nov 2020

    Default "Canticle for Talia": is X-office going to return Nocturne to MU-616 in 2023?!

    And thus are the going to finally cancel at last the retcon* that "QS & SW are not Magneto's bio-children"?! Because her being Magneto's AND Mystique's (and Azazel's as well) common bio-grandkid via Kurt and Wanda IS what really makes her relevant to the X-Mythos

    * arguably the most-hated Marvel retcon ever since - and even surpassing - OMD

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    Last edited by EldonMaguan; 06-24-2022 at 04:23 AM.

  2. #2
    Incredible Member Proxy's Avatar
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    I can’t think of any other Talia they’d be referring to, especially using the religiously themed word canticle which could be tied to Nightcrawler’s creation of the spark and whatever the hell the inquisition is.
    I don’t think they’d just mention her out of the blue with no plans in the pipeline.

  3. #3


    Technically Wanda made all mutants have a place in the waiting room so nocturne could very well be there already waiting along with some other alternates out there. Though the retcons of Wanda makes me wonder if a retcons for Spidey is on the way
    What better way to get their own peter Parker or miles than to do the opposite of Wanda and Pietro and make spiderman a mutant and then have that hit movie screens after secret wars. Especially since Sony will be crazy to give up peter as is and seem to have no reason to do so. Also there was a blurb in one of the books this week asking " is spiderman a mutant?" I think it was in the xmen news article about resurrections.

    I also wonder how those will act or respond that had no problem with it happening to quicksilver and Wanda.
    Don't let anyone else hold the candle that lights the way to your future because only you can sustain the flame.
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    #conceptualthinking ^_^

    Into the breach.

  4. #4
    Welcome Back Spidey Kurolegacy's Avatar
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    God I hope so. I hated the way that she was used and then written off in Exiles. If she couldn’t be sent back to her native reality, at least let her live out in 616 especially with it being so welcome towards her like a second home.

  5. #5
    Astonishing Member
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    Especially considering Exiles Blink settled in the 616 reality at the end of Saladin Ahmed's Exiles mini. (She's not the one we saw in SWORD, that was the resurrected 616 Blink, but Exiles Blink is in the 616 universe too. Whether on Krakoa as well, or just still hanging out with her aunt in the Bahamas, I have no idea).

    But if you're gonna make a point to let Exiles Blink stay in this reality, when there's already even a version of her living here, surely you can let TJ live here too.

  6. #6
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    I would be glad to see Nocturne again, and for her to interact with Kurt and especially Wanda and her sort of brothers Billy and Tommy. But I wouldn't hold by breath waiting for it as I think all of these teased futures would stay just teases and we wouldn't get any stories about them.

  7. #7
    Extraordinary Member Factor's Avatar
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    I'd rather have her in the cast of an Exiles relaunch than have her move permanently to 616.

  8. #8
    Astonishing Member Habis's Avatar
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    I don't want to be a killjoy, but since Judgement Day is going to happen, the future is going to follow that branch, so we will have "Nimrond Extionction Event", "A New Krakoa", "The Broken Sword" or "The Empire of the Red Diamond" next, rather than "Canticle for Talia..."

    The mention of "A New Krakoa" makes me wonder if the Eternals will manage to sink Krakoa, forcing the mutants to move either to Mars or to Genosha...

    I guess "The Broken Sword" is the Rook'shir Blade of the Phoenix... I remember Omega Sentinel mentioning it being reforged...

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