We sadly lost one of the earliest and most beloved CBR posters, Richard "Fenris" White, a little over a month ago.

Fenris was a great guy and he was voted the 2001 CBR Citizen of the Year, back when we did Citizen of the Year.

Here are the votes for him at the time, to give you a sense of how loved he was:

"He's had the most consistent high quality of posts of any other poster. And he says GRRRRR." - fly on the wall

"Fenris has always been a good poster and has always had a good attitude. I agree, he's my choice for the citizen of the year." - rick d

"The facts:

1. Fenris is one of the very few first-generation posters here. He's been around under one guise or another since the Kingdom Come Boards that preceded CBR.

2. In all that time, he has never really received the recognition he deserves.

3. He deserves that recognition becasue he is
(a) unfailingly polite
(b) amazingly well-read and literate
(c) always insightful and articulate
(d) a heck of a nice guy

I've never seen Fenris lose his temper or be rude to anybody. He deserved the Best Debater award, and he sure as heck deserves the COTY.

Give it up for Fenris!" - MacQ

"What they said. He is a shining example to all." - Greg Hatcher

"And he was nice enough to send out e-mail greetings for the Holidays." - bert

"I'm voting for Fenris because a good dog never goes bad. Unless it gets rabies. And if Fenris got rabies, then I would still vote for him out of pity." - Falcoria

"This is just like U.S. politics.

I might wanna vote for someone else, but I'm not gonna throw my vote away on some other third party candidate!

Fenris. Howyadoin. Fenris. Howyadoin.

After reading about the history of Fenris in the posts down below, I'll have to throw in my lot with Fenris.

He definitely sounds like he's payed his dues, and deserves it.


Fenris!" - Lazaro

"He deserves the COTY award and so much more. And fly's right, he does say, "Grrr!"

(howyadoin is an awesome poster, granted, one who deserves recognition for making the world just that more surrealer [is that a word?], but I can't pass the wolf)

Fenris all the way." - AussieBoyPeter

"And he wags his tail, loves skritches and cake, is endlessly amusing, always charming, ever polite, erudite, optimistic, inventive, helpful, sympathetic... hey: let's elect him President!

Fenris all the way." - FlameStar

"Well, whoever he is, I'll vote for him, too." - Slick

"I'm a big chicken! Bok Bok!

I love both Fenris AND Howyadoin...so how am I supposed to pick between them? What is this, "Sophie's Choice"?

Fenris is my philosophy sparring partner, able to wade through my endless theological diatribes like a champ! And Howyadoin has been up many a late night with me making me laugh until carbonated beverages spurt out my nose destroying expensive keyboards, causing a rift in the space-time continuum known as my "Relationship" with my GF. HAHA! - Justin D