Crossgen going into bankruptcy really hurt me. I really was invested in the Sigil universe and the Negation War is one of my greatest comic regrets, that it never got finished, in all history. Now Marvel is revisiting the Crossgen universe and while the properties that they initially rereleased weren't the central books of the universe but ones they had ideas for. Now there is a chance that if the revisit is successful maybe the Negation War, the storyline that tied every book in the universe together, can finally be finished something I had given up hope of ever seeing. I remember asking Ron Marz how the Negation War ended and he stated he had no idea. I guess the creators were more worried about paychecks in the end as opposed to how that storyline would end. My favorite titles were Negation, the First, Scion and the Negation War itself, though there were other titles I liked as well like Solus, Sigil, Soujourn.