The Pink Panther needs someone to drive him from Tallahassee, Florida to Seattle, Washington. If successful, he will give you the Pink Panther diamond ($25,000,000).

No trains, planes, boats, teleportation, or time travel to arrive before you left. You're driving your own automobile. If you don't have an automobile, you have to rent or borrow one. And no, the Batmobile and Mach Five aren't available, only what you, yourself have access to in real life.

Inspector Clouseau is on the case, however, with full legal authority to from Interpol to act freely within US borders (stipulated by OP) and will be seeking to arrest you both. You'll have to stay ahead of him until you get to the Panther's Seattle destination—a high society law firm, who can't help you until you get there.

The law firm can liquidate the gem, complete cash value to you, with no legal hassles.

Or you could just pass on the difficulties of interrupting your life and going on a road trip with wanted cartoon character and get a free check for $10,000.
