Ever consider there are relationships between characters--be it romantic or just friends--that DC insists are one thing but the depicted text doesn't support it one way or the other?

I thought of this when thinking about how, when one considers how the two characters actually interact with each other, Batman clearly hates Wonder Woman even though we're supposed to accept them as close friends because they're the "trinity" and all that.

Look at their actual interactions over the years.

As a start...the infamous contingency plans from Tower of Babel. Most of Bruce's plans against the Leaguers incapacitates them in one way or another. Torturous yes, but non-lethal....except for Diana. His contingency plan against her is specifically intended to give her a heart attack and die. Mister "no kill" is fully prepared to murder Wonder Woman if she "goes rogue" where everyone else just incapacitated.
Then you have The Hiketeia, where Bruce always resorts to violence first and never considers or respects Diana's point of view or perspective. Even when he understands what the Hiketeia is and the consequences of it, he shows no regard for her safety or well-being.
And, of course, there's the Brother Eye-Max Lord-OMAC debacle...which was pretty much all Bruce's fault and completely ruined Diana's life at that time. And rather than own up to it or even apologize, he decided she was the problem all along and went about "fixing" her without being asked.

And those are just three specific stories. There's plenty more evidence of Bruce condescending and patronizing Diana.
My point is...despite DC's insistence Batman and Wonder Woman are close, true friends and two-thirds of the fabled trinity...despite Bruce's occasional hollow platitudes and lip serves...he clearly hates Diana.
He might not think he does. He might believe he actually cares about her. But actions speak louder than words, and it seems quite evident in how he treats her that Batman despises Wonder Woman.

So that got me thinking. Are there any other phony friendships or hollow romances that the writers TELL us are a real thing, but when it comes to actually SHOWING us, it doesn't ring true?
Or even vice versa? Are there characters that we're supposed to believe are mortal enemies, but their actual actions make them appear to be good friends?