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  1. #1
    Astonishing Member
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    Default Peter Petrelli and/or Sylar vs MCU!Scarlet Witch

    Peter Petrelli(at his prime of his powers) and/or Sylar(composite season 1 and 3) takes on MCU Scarlet Witch

    here's the condition of these matchup:
    1. Peter Petrelli vs MCU Scarlet Witch: former allowed to copy latter's powers, and latter have no Multiverse of Madness feats allowed
    2. same with above except, with Composite season 1 and 3 Sylar replace Peter Petrelli
    3. Peter Petrelli and Sylar vs Multiverse of Madness Scarlet Witch: Heroes team can get Ando's Supercharge in response of Stomp

    who will win, assuming either Peter and Sylar can got MCU Scarlet Witch's powers
    whatever Scientists tells us what they believes are the only things that exists in Reality(our world), they treats what US government and mainstream news media said about things like 9/11, CO2 Emissions, and so on as their gospel

    calling Real Life Martial Artists that can break walls "Comic Book Peak Human" is like calling Pre-new52!Cassandra Cain "Shounen Manga character"

  2. #2
    Rumbles Limbo Champion big_adventure's Avatar
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    I don't see how Sylar can get her powers - she can just shred him or pull him into the ground or turn him into an apple orchard, and she's not going to patiently sit there while he cuts into her head with TK to steal them.

    Peter is another matter - he copies by proximity IIRC, so he should get some of her abilities right off the bat, to go with all of the others that he already has. I say some, as Wanda has a bunch of learned tricks that work based on her power, and there seems to be a pretty massive learning curve to using her power.

    So if this is Future Peter, he's taking the first fight, as Wanda, pre-MoM, is a much less scary beast and much more of a glass cannon, and Peter has timestop on top of everything else. Well, that's of course if he doesn't impale himself on something, as he's always depriving a village of it's idiot.

    If this is season 1 Peter, Wanda probably wins - Peter wasn't that quick on the uptake on new ablities, and Wanda's much-greater power-level ought to give her the win before Peter can figure out how to counter her.

    Sylar, as mentioned, has no real chance that I can see against Wanda - he doesn't stop time or have superspeed, and her TK is orders of magnitude stronger than his, even before we consider the magic and reality warping.

    MoM Wanda probably just stomps both kind of casually. I question them even actually doing enough damage to her that she doesn't insta-heal, and that's if she just sits there, which she won't. Even if Peter gets her raw oomph, she's got a ton of knowledge-based stuff by then thanks to Darkholding for a year or whatever. She just offs him at the bell, then treats Sylar the way a killer whale treats a seal or a polar bear - it plays with it's food.
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