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  1. #1
    Fantastic Member
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    Default What If.... The Krakoa Era Never Happened?

    Building off what Matthew Rosenberg did during his run of Uncanny where could the X-Men had gone from there if the "Krakoa Era" never happened?

  2. #2
    Astonishing Member
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    Back in time, prevent Genosha and House of M from happening, destroy the Weapon X programm before even a brick of Neverland is ever build (invite Cecilia Reyes as school doctor to kick out nurse Annie), detach the school from the X-men to remove the massive bullseye from the students backs, keep things steady for mutants, return to a less terrible present day.

    Get an actualy competent editor, have him hire some skilled writers who can at least respect continuity and established characterization, give the X-men a fresh start and keep enjoyable and worth reading until the MCU X-men happen and everything needs to be adjusted to them in the futile hope of getting people into buying the overpriced and hard to obtain comics.
    Last edited by Grunty; 11-21-2022 at 08:26 AM.

  3. #3
    Braddock Isle JB's Avatar
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    Hmm. Well a lot of mutants would be dead and the X-Men that returned from Age of X would also be hunted the way the others were. It'd be more of the same dark/extinction threat for mutants and they would probably have to move to a nation sympathetic to mutants (like the one they had the Morlocks moved to). Harry's Hideaway's basement just wouldn't be big enough.
    "Danielle... I intend to do something rash and violent." - Betsy Braddock
    Krakoa, Arakko, and Otherworld forever!

  4. #4
    Incredible Member ETMike1988's Avatar
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    Everything will happen differently until Moira dies and in the next iteration of the Universe Krakoa will happen.

  5. #5
    see beauty in all things. charliehustle415's Avatar
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    We'd all be crying into our cereal because the status quo would be akin to Ultimatum for the Mutants.

    The fact that Marvel allowed Hickman to wipe everything away was a godsend; the last X-Office put in some real work to destroy any and all goodwill towards the X-Franchise.

  6. #6
    Sarveśām Svastir Bhavatu Devaishwarya's Avatar
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    I would not be reading/buying any X-Books.
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jbenito View Post
    Hmm. Well a lot of mutants would be dead and the X-Men that returned from Age of X would also be hunted the way the others were. It'd be more of the same dark/extinction threat for mutants and they would probably have to move to a nation sympathetic to mutants (like the one they had the Morlocks moved to). Harry's Hideaway's basement just wouldn't be big enough.
    We’ll… if krakoa didn’t happen, then Rosenberg’s run wouldn’t have happened either (at least not the way it did) because Rosenberg was deliberately making things as bad as possible to pave the way for Hickman.

  8. #8
    Extraordinary Member Omega Alpha's Avatar
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    The same people complaining about Krakoa would be complaining about the status quo and saying Marvel is stupid for not hiring someone like Hickman

  9. #9
    Sarveśām Svastir Bhavatu Devaishwarya's Avatar
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    LOL. There's that, too.
    Lord Ewing *Praise His name! Uplift Him in song!* Your divine works will be remembered and glorified in worship for all eternity. Amen!

  10. #10
    Julian Keller Supremacy Rift's Avatar
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    For the franchise itself, I'm not sure. I always felt like Rosenburg went hog-wild on the angst and death because he knew it would all be undone, and Marvel probably wanted to destroy morale to make Krakoa's miracles all the more meaningful. But if we're to assume Rosenburg's run stays the same regardless, I guess we'd follow up on the old status quo: Emma wiped out evidence of mutants from everyone's memories, so we'd probably go back to something akin to the pre-Morrison status quo. Well the pre-Morrison status quo, but with more extinction events and even more teen mutant-bashing. If they even keep the school a school, I imagine there would be less focus on younger characters, and more focus on big names.

    Of course, Emma's mind-wipe makes no sense and would require everyone in the world to ignore all the videos, papers and documentation of mutants, so the new quo would be untenable. But if the Krakoa era could quietly ignore that stupid plotline, this era could quietly ignore the inconsistencies.
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  11. #11
    The King Fears NO ONE! Triniking1234's Avatar
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    Everything from Extermination to X-Men Disassembled only happened cuz they knew Hickman was planning Krakoa.
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  12. #12
    Astonishing Member Kingdom X's Avatar
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    After Rosenberg you'd need a status quo change that was more optimistic, because there is no building off what he did that isn't just more of the same. The ending of his run was the overdone, "mutants are down on their luck and a bunch of them are dead, but the X-Men will always be there even if the world hates them more than ever."

    I can really only think of certain aspects of the Krakoa run that could be adapted without the whole thing:

    1) Mutants are more united than ever since they're on their last leg and they decide to build off Jean's pitch to the UN for a mutant nation without borders.

    2) There's another mutant population jump so the X-Men have to find and protect these new mutants. Could also lead to the revitalization of "mutant culture".

    3) Do another "All-New, All-Different" team with one or two classic X-men and have the rest be from younger generations of mutants. Risky but could keep the franchise fresh.

    Otherwise, they could have honestly retired the franchise for a while, let mutants show up in other books and then do a return like they did with the F4.

  13. #13
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    War of The Realms could have been a turning point with human/mutant relations. The X-Men on a larger stage than just protecting a bunch of people in a stadium in NY being seeing saving some world leaders and leading charges against the invading armies could have shifted public opinion and gone in a more positive direction for mutants. This is not to say that all of a sudden everyone would love mutants. There would still be their detractors...but it would be like who NYC was shown in X-Factor after they saved NY and were out rescuing people after Apocalypse's attack.

  14. #14
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    Like Jbenito said, "a lot of mutants would be dead"; and, mutants would have to actually have sex and get pregnant and raise their own children to replenish their numbers.

  15. #15
    Braddock Isle JB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kingdom X View Post
    After Rosenberg you'd need a status quo change that was more optimistic, because there is no building off what he did that isn't just more of the same. The ending of his run was the overdone, "mutants are down on their luck and a bunch of them are dead, but the X-Men will always be there even if the world hates them more than ever."

    I can really only think of certain aspects of the Krakoa run that could be adapted without the whole thing:

    1) Mutants are more united than ever since they're on their last leg and they decide to build off Jean's pitch to the UN for a mutant nation without borders.

    2) There's another mutant population jump so the X-Men have to find and protect these new mutants. Could also lead to the revitalization of "mutant culture".

    3) Do another "All-New, All-Different" team with one or two classic X-men and have the rest be from younger generations of mutants. Risky but could keep the franchise fresh.

    Otherwise, they could have honestly retired the franchise for a while, let mutants show up in other books and then do a return like they did with the F4.
    Following up on Jean's intentions in Red would be a good choice considering at the very end of Rosencanny they decided not to hide, and Scott destroyed the Cerebro that Emma was using to globally mask them.

    Otherwise they'd just go into hiding again.

    I'm so glad Krakoa happened.
    "Danielle... I intend to do something rash and violent." - Betsy Braddock
    Krakoa, Arakko, and Otherworld forever!

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