Quote Originally Posted by Cyberstrike View Post
Lets be honest if Alan Moore hadn't wrote the book, no one would've remembered or cared about it. IMHO that is the sad thing with books like Supreme it took 40 issues and about 5-7 years for someone to make it more than "Superman with bad attitude" concept that was played out by #12, and it's the same with Moore's run on Wild C.A.T.s and Ellis' run on Stormwatch.
You're not wrong, but I'll stick up for James Robinson's run on Wildcats which happen right before Moore. And while I didn't read it, I know there's folks out there that like Ron Marz version of Stormwatch right before Ellis ( which I did read).

But yeah, take Youngblood...before Moore did his take, which was only a few issues, but it gave other creators a clear concept to build on, all anybody remembers about Rob's version is how absurdly late it was in coming out.