Logan: bar fight
Laura: I think fighting neckrons ?
Daken: date night with Aura

They get a message form gabby. Emergency

They arrive the house is on fire and mostly destroyed.. what could do this gabby made snikt family tee-shirt. Approved by Jonathan

Logan to Jonathan: I though I smelled a rat.
Laura to Logan: rember the pecking order Jonathan the most wolverine of them all is on top.
Logan: sorry Jonathan the one true wolverine

Gabby: I ate alot of junk food and watch national lampoon vacation 5 spoon fighters (stolene form strong guy) backwards upside down we need to go on a family road trip.

Laura: I'm finlay reuniting with the new xmen(and Hellions)
Daken: I have a life

Gabby old people like you love road trips
Logan: and
Gabby: we need to spend more time together
Laura: yes but this is the one time me and hellion have a day off together and can team up
Gabby:your social life can make time for me
Daken: fine

Gabby: I almost died and didn't come back becuae all of you abboned me for a year.. left me alone with Jonathan no money alone and forgotten(sad violin music) don't you want to have happy memories together

Logan: fine
Gabby: yes I alredy made a road map

Daken: she made a map? god help us
Laura: sigh I'm never reuniting with Hellion or my friends