I was a shy, lonely high school kid in late 80's. The Christian club put on a video with free snacks one lunchtime. The video was called "the Trial" (or something like that). It had God in human form, lookin a bit like the Brady bunch dad on trial in a modern American court for all the bad things he allowed to happen to people. People with troubled lives, including one whose daughter had a (gasp) abortion testified against him. In the end God is found guilty and sentenced to death.
"I forgive them" says God. Everyone sees that they have erred and G gets let off.

There was also "A thief in the night" Part 1 of a trilogy about the rapture/end times produced by Mark IV films. Good folks disappear instantly and an evil one world government forces everyone to wear "the mark". It turns into a cheap Invasion of the body snatchers ripoff with the hero finding nearly everyone now wears it.

The films still get shown in a few places as does the Gospel Road a movie about a hippy looking Jesus narrated by Johnny Cash

A UHF channel had "The Christian Pirate" a kids show with a motorcyclist who became a preacher after losing a hand in a crash and having it replaced with a hook. It featured puppets and lousy attempts at rapping (and humour) (Youtube it!)

Never saw the "Left Behind" videos. What were they like? The comics were pretty terrible : full of talking heads and not much else.

What oddities have you seen?