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  1. #61
    Ultimate Member ChrisIII's Avatar
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    That VR helmet kind of looks a bit like Starship Hulk.

    Seems generally a bad idea to give armor to the Hulk in general with of course, the exception of the Green Scar and of course Banner donning the Hulkbuster in the MCU. Both the Waid run and this did the same thing.

    Think even Hickman's Avengers run which included the Hulk around the same time largely ignored the armor as well. Info and opinions on a variety of interests.

  2. #62
    Mighty Member McFarlane's Green Hulk's Avatar
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    Incredible Hulk #425
    Cover Date: January 1995
    Sale Date: November 15th 1994
    Writer: Peter David
    Artist: Gary Frank/Liam Sharpe
    Inker: Cam Smith/Robin Riggs
    Letterer: Joe Rosen
    Colorist: Glynis Oliver
    Editor: Bobbie Chase

    Guest Stars/Supporting Cast: Betty Banner, core members of the Pantheon.
    Villain: Agamemnon, Achilles, the Endless Knights.
    Synopsis: Seconds after the ending of the previous issue, the Hulk threatens Agamemnon to stop whatever it is he started. Not going to happen, as he states once awakened, they can’t be stopped. The Hulk then orders the others to evacuate all children and non-combatants to avoid casualties. Betty offers her services, but Bruce her out with the others. We then see various cut-scenes of the others; Ajax and Agamemnon somberly talking, Atlanta and Achilles with Ulysses, and the Hulk and Doc Samson. Ajax doesn’t understand what is happening and we see Agamemnon change his demeanor and possibly be sincere in stating that he was always his favorite; Atlanta shocked at Achilles’ heel turn and possibly being a traitor, his escape being halted by an armed Ulysses. And the Hulk projecting another hologram to Doc Samson and basically saying goodbye. He wants him to watch out for Betty, and that something is happening inside his head. Samson begins to panic, knowing the merger is no longer stable and something traumatic is going to happen. He signs off and gathers the others, then makes once last attempt at reasoning with Agamemnon. The Endless Knights CAN be stopped…with his death. The Hulk pleads with him to try to help understand what they’re facing and he’s laughed off. He drops the Destroyer’s name, to which Banner says he’s never heard of, and that they’re a private offshoot from a Pantheon cyborg project called “WAR ZONE”…as in the cyborgs he fought back in Web of Spider-Man #44 and Hulk #349. More taunting and we see Banner begin to lose control. Before anything can happen, the Knights arrive. In Reno, Prometheus has arrived at Betty’s apartment and Samson causes a distraction which lets Betty steal his car and head back to the Mount. The battle had begun and the Endless Knights tear their way through the flooring and the Hulk and a number of Pantheon members fight back. Outside, Betty has arrived and armed herself, intent on helping her husband. Achilles breaks Agamemnon out of his cell but is interrupted by Atlanta and Ulysses. The others are holding their own against the Knights until Cassie is horrified to discover one of them is her own dead father Perseus. The Hulk puts two-and-two together, that the Knights are the dead children of Agamemnon over the centuries. The battle intensifies, and we then see Achilles and Ulysses fighting each other, and Atlanta finding Agamemnon trying to make his escape via an airplane. Aggy drops a hint that he’s made his escape like this before as Atlanta unleashes an arrow that blows it up, killing him and halting the Endless Knights attack; Ulysses is pinned under some rubble, leaving Achilles at an advantage to kill him. This time, he shield activates and he deflects the laser blast…which ricochets into the incoming Betty Banner and cuts her down. Her scream cuts through the area and the Hulk stands in horror at his dying wife. He snaps, all control is lost. BUT…instead of seeing the rampaging Hulk making a return and smashing Achilles to a bloody pulp, we see the return of the frail, pink and puny form of Bruce Banner, now in control of the savage Hulk’s mind!! Achilles laughs it off and brushes off Banner, resuming his fight with Ulysses. It ends violently as Ulysses performs the same sword trick he did last issue against the Hulk in the VR session and we find out that even Banner’s human form leaks enough gamma radiation to still pierce Achilles’ invulnerability. The issue ends with Achilles dying and Savage Banner holding the hand of his dying wife.
    Commentary: Goodbye Gary Frank, hello Liam Sharpe. One of the reasons Frank left the Hulk was because he was bored…not with the character, but with PAD’s scripts. Not enough action. (Guess that same problem was also the reason he left Supergirl at DC a couple years later too.) Sharpe is another drastic shift, but I was kind of familiar his Death’s Head II stuff. I was almost hoping to see the Gray Hulk make a return, but no. Another hint that Agamemnon is Bucky is dropped here, with the airplane escape and stating that he’s done this before. If I remember right, that fueled a lot of speculation and the prices on #399 and this one started to climb because of those mentions. Maybe it was just in the letter columns of the book. I was never a fan of the “Savage Banner” stories, so I can’t say that this is stuff I look back on with nostalgia. Just like in real life, this issue signifies a drastic change and we say goodbye to the Pantheon for a few years. When the merger storyline was starting back in `91, I was getting ready to start high school. The Merged Hulk/Pantheon stories are high school reminders. With this anniversary issue and artist/inker/story shift, I was starting my first semester of college, about 2 hours away from home and suffering through a big bout of homesickness. Both sets of grandparents lived nearby, so if I wasn’t hanging out with them, I would drive home every weekend (as weather would permit in December) and work a couple of days at my job (busser at a buffet), hang out with my friends and family, then drive back Sunday afternoon. I barely saw my dorm mate (I kick myself for that, he was a cheerleader and was chummy with a ton of hot girls, one of which I think he married) and had little interaction with anyone else on campus. ALL OF THAT CHANGED in a couple months, though, heh. New roomie, introduction to alcohol, new girlfriend…the only mainstay was comics.

  3. #63
    Ultimate Member ChrisIII's Avatar
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    Seemed he always gave Hulk some stubble which kind of made him look a bit like a big green Frank Castle. Although I think he kind of did that with all his male characters. Info and opinions on a variety of interests.

  4. #64
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    Hulk 425 will always be one of my favorite issues. You can just read it over and over again, it's so well constructed.

    And it does to Hulk what few stories did prior, taking away the relatively comfortable life that he had, and was the first step towards him becoming the Maestro. Shame PAD never finished the story itself

  5. #65
    Mighty Member McFarlane's Green Hulk's Avatar
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    Incredible Hulk #426
    “One Fell Off”
    Cover Date: February 1995
    Sale Date: December 20th 1994
    Writer: Peter David
    Artist: Liam Sharp
    Inker: Robin Riggs
    Letterer: Joe Rosen
    Colorist: Glynis Oliver
    Editor: Bobbie Chase

    Guest Stars/Supporting Cast: Doc Samson, Betty Banner, Dr. Kathy Diamond
    Antagonist: Mercy
    Synopsis: We open to Leonard Samson peeking into the padded cell of Bruce Banner, who’s frail human form has been taken over by the rampaging Hulk’s personality. He’s in a straight jacket, more for his own safety than for others. Samson tries reasoning with him, but it’s nothing is getting through the Hulk’s anger. Defeated, Samson walks away and unbeknownst to him, the alien Mercy makes her comeback (albeit unseen to everyone around her) and is observing everything. Samson and Dr. Kathy Diamond begin discussing Banner’s situation. Samson concludes that while the merging of the three personalities was a success, Banner created a psychic failsafe that should he lose control, the Hulk’s personality would only resurface in Banner’s body. The assumption was made that because of the gamma radiation and personalities merged, he would never revert back to Banner’s human form, when it was stashed away in his psyche. The problem now is how to get him back to “normal”. They’re interrupted as Betty Banner is being rushed back into surgery. Meanwhile, Mercy is observing Savage Banner and questioning his situation. His cry for Betty intrigues her and she makes her way to the operating room. In the waiting room, Samson and Nick Fury discuss Banner’s situation. SHIELD is taking him and “defusing” the ticking time-bomb he’s become. Samson argues against it, but Fury isn’t budging. Inside Betty’s mind, Mercy is making conversation with her childhood spirit self and says that she can take her to see her mother. She starts to teleport away and in reality, Betty’s vitals begin to flat-line. Cut to a SHIELD transport ship, where they have Savage Banner locked away. Mercy and Betty’s spirit observe Banner and she wants to stop and help. Although trapped in Banner’s form, he can still see astral forms and he becomes upset when seeing Betty’s spirit in pain – which is caused by the doctors trying to resuscitate her. Betty’s spirit is trying to calm Banner down, while Mercy is encouraging her spirit to come with her. She begins to make headway but then abruptly disappears. Savage Banner is enraged and breaks his restraints and then the door to the ship, falling to Earth and to his apparent death. He crashes to the Earth and emerges in the Merged Hulk form, as Betty is brought back to life in the operating room. Mercy appears and chides him on his victory about keeping Betty alive, as she thinks she would have been happier if she’d died. We then see a tearful Samson joyous at Betty’s recovery and then go back to the Hulk standing over the ruins of the Mount. He trips a pre-recorded message from Paris, who says he’s been “fired” as leader, that the Pantheon has abandoned the Mount and gone into hiding. Atlanta and Ajax are overseas somewhere, Hector, Cassie and Prometheus went on their own and Ulysses is on the hunt for Delphi. Paris states he’s now in charge and warns Banner to watch his back, as he’s now considered an enemy of the group.
    Commentary: Officially the start of the end of the Merged Hulk. His mind has fragmented once again, bringing a new dynamic to the old status quo. Banner, fearing another failed cure, created a failsafe in his mind to have the Hulk re-emerge within his own puny body to contain the Hulk’s rampages. Now, just like in the Lee/Ditko era, the madder the Hulk gets, the weaker he gets and reverts back to Banner. Banner’s mind was still in control of the Merged Hulk body, though, so part of the merger is still in place. There was no hint of the gray Hulk returning either. That could have been interesting – Savage Hulk controlling the Gray. Again, not a fan, but a nice conundrum to have the Hulk deal with.

  6. #66
    Ultimate Member ChrisIII's Avatar
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    Of course this development also eventually led to "Sunshine Joe" although in that case it was Devil's doing I think.

    Hoping the next run kind of brings back his Green/Red Hulk incarnation which we barely got to see since Cates has just been Banner/Savage/whatever Titan is. Info and opinions on a variety of interests.

  7. #67
    Mighty Member McFarlane's Green Hulk's Avatar
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    Incredible Hulk #427
    “Six Months Later…”
    Cover Date: March 1995
    Sale Date: January 17th, 1995
    Writer: Peter David
    Artist: Liam Sharp/Darick Robertson
    Inker: Robin Riggs/Ron Boyd
    Letterer: Richard Starkings
    Colorist: Glynis Oliver
    Editor: Bobbie Chase

    Guest Stars/Supporting Cast: Betty Banner, Max, Chief Largo, Man-Thing, Billy, Skip, Rick Jones.
    Villain: Albert
    Synopsis: A little boy named Billy is walking home from school and is enticed into the vehicle of a what appears to be a sweet gentle old man with the promise of puppies. The scene shifts to a horrific car accident involving a young woman, and the narration boxes fill in her back-story. We then see another smaller old man named Max driving his tow truck with his companion “Bob”, complaining about the onlookers to the accident. Bob is a very large individual and heavily bandaged, and he leaps from the vehicle to help the young woman before she’s burned to death. He’s able to rescue her and escape from the scene before the police arrive. We then see Bob leaping through the air back to his home as the scene shifts to another young lady working in the school library talking to a young boy named Skip. Just small talk, nothing dramatic. Suddenly his mother bursts in, wildly panicked about the whereabouts of his younger brother Billy. He hasn’t come home from school yet, and it’s only three blocks away. The librarian consoles her, saying that everything’s going to be fine. The scene then cuts to that “sweet” old man in a boat in the swamp, dumping a sack into the water and tearfully remembering painful memories from his childhood. Suddenly, the Man-Thing comes lumbering out of the swamp, but the scene cuts back Max at his garage talking to the Hulk. Max chides him on the risky rescue he did, and we get a small back story about how Bruce and Betty have been living in a small town in Florida under different names. It’s been six months since the end of last issue and they have established new lives with Betty working as a librarian and Bruce working with Max at his car repair shop, using the bandage disguise to hide his green skin. He heads home, and has to create a distraction to get into the house, as the police are questioning Betty about his whereabouts. The missing boy story has spread all over town and gotten serious. Back in the swamp, old man Albert is hiding out in his cabin and tearfully trying to put on some child sneakers. The Man-Thing lurks right beside him, and its teased that he’s going to touch him and we’ll hopefully see the old man go up in smoke. Doesn’t happen and it cuts back to Bruce and Betty. There’s some exposition between them about the current situation; Betty has grown attached to the small town, but because the body of the missing boy has been found, federal agents are being brought in. This panics Bruce, who says they need to be prepared to leave. Betty pleads with him to find the killer to make things ok for them to stay. Elsewhere in the swamp, Skip had decided to find his brother’s killer by himself. He’s found by a policeman but it’s actually Albert in disguise. Back at Bruce and Betty’s house, the police are again questioning Betty about Bruce’s whereabouts. The chief is a very large individual, making comments that he knows more about their situation than they believe. We then see the Hulk leaping across the sky, looking for anything suspicious. He sees a light in a cabin and heads there as the issues ends with Skip realizing that Albert is his brother’s killer and the Man-Thing entering the cabin. The epilogue is a single page consiting of 9 panels of a hotel room door, with a wobbly hand putting a “DO NOT DISTURB” sign on the outer door knob to give readers an update on Rick and Marlo.
    Commentary: Ahhh, the old “six months later” gimmick. Nothing out of the ordinary, and I do like how it’s established that we still see the Merged Hulk body in effect, but we’re left in the dark about if he still transforms into Savage Banner when angered. Honestly feels like a darker tone of the TV show. Liam Sharp’s work fits the new tone to the book; some of his anatomy is a little wonky. But it gets better of time.

  8. #68
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    Avengers Infinity War - Cut Scene - Smart Hulk emerges

  9. #69
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    My head-cannon on the Merged vs. Professor Hulk is that the doctor lady in Jenkins run was lying about Merged being 'just another personality' and Samson went along with the lie for some reason, and since then a 'Professor' personality has developed. The Professor never did seem quite the same as the Merged, I don't recall him ever being so ruthless.

    On a different note, I am glad the current Hulk run is ending and I hope the next one is to my liking. I skipped this one because it sounded regressive/unoriginal. I might have tried it but I really don't like Ottley's art.

  10. #70
    Mighty Member McFarlane's Green Hulk's Avatar
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    Incredible Hulk #428
    Cover Date: April 1995
    Sale Date: February 21st, 1995
    Writer: Peter David
    Artist: Liam Sharp
    Inker: Robin Riggs
    Letterer: Richard Starkings
    Colorist: Glynis Oliver
    Editor: Bobbie Chase

    Guest Stars/Supporting Cast: Betty Banner, Max, Man-Thing, Chief Largo, Skip.
    Villain: Albert
    Synopsis: There isn’t much to expand on in this issue, other than the Hulk searching the swamp for signs of Billy’s killer; Albert, Skip and the Man-Thing interacting, and Chief Largo continuing the questions about Bruce. We learn that Albert was abused by his own father as a child, and it’s been haunting him all his life. This creates conflict with the Hulk, he’s haunted by memories of his own father’s abuse. The Hulk and Man-Thing start to fight, and his anger starts to get the better of him. This creates a fear of reverting into Savage Banner, and the Man-Thing’s touch burns his head. He’s able to keep calm and shrug off the Man-Thing in time to rescue Skip from Albert…who gets eaten by an alligator. The issue ends with Chief Largo questioning Skip about who rescued him in the swamp, as Bruce and Betty reflect on what had happened.
    Commentary: Already seeing improvements to Sharp’s work, as he does some of the weird psycho sketching on Albert at times. Savage Banner is teased, giving the readers confirmation that the transformation at the end of #425 wasn’t a one-time fluke. The darker toned stories would fit better if it was the gray or classic savage Hulk, it seems odd to have Bruce and Betty go through this kind of stuff. Maybe not…

  11. #71
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    Anyone else feel that pretty much the whole post-Pantheon Merged Hulk run was pretty awful? (Even notwithstanding the blackface issue)

  12. #72
    Mighty Member McFarlane's Green Hulk's Avatar
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    Definitely a low point. Not Cates-low, but I don't know how much was PAD going "WTF do I do next?" or a side effect of what was going on at Marvel at the time.

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by McFarlane's Green Hulk View Post
    Definitely a low point. Not Cates-low, but I don't know how much was PAD going "WTF do I do next?" or a side effect of what was going on at Marvel at the time.
    It was a combination of things. If I remember correctly, PAD said on his blog that he was going through a divorce during this portion of the book. So his focus was doubtless elsewhere. Plus, he was trying to slowly build to explaining how the Merged Hulk evolved into the Maestro. He had it planned out, but then Onslaught happened and Editorial insisted that Hulk be involved…

  14. #74
    Incredible Member strathcona's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kdu2814 View Post
    My head-cannon on the Merged vs. Professor Hulk is that the doctor lady in Jenkins run was lying about Merged being 'just another personality' and Samson went along with the lie for some reason, and since then a 'Professor' personality has developed. The Professor never did seem quite the same as the Merged, I don't recall him ever being so ruthless.

    On a different note, I am glad the current Hulk run is ending and I hope the next one is to my liking. I skipped this one because it sounded regressive/unoriginal. I might have tried it but I really don't like Ottley's art.
    Do we have any word yet on who's going to be writing the next run?

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by strathcona View Post
    Do we have any word yet on who's going to be writing the next run?
    Not yet. After Cates run ends, Hulk will go on a hiatus so they can figure that out. Then they will relaunch the book outright

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