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  1. #1
    Extraordinary Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Default DNA tests and the 616....

    Something I have been thinking about...and pushed the the forefront of my thoughts with the Kamala Inhuman/mutant twist...

    How prevalent would Non-baseline human genes be in the general population?

    Human, mutant, Inhuman, Atlantean, Eternal, Deviant, all the different pantheons (Asgardian, Olympian, etc...), mot to mention alien visitation...

    How likely is it that a "normal human" in the 616 would have some genes from these other races from hundreds or thousands of years in the past?
    All I wanted was to be unconditionally loved while never having to work on my flaws. Is that so much to ask?

  2. #2
    Extraordinary Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    X-genes are supposedly pretty widespread, it's just that they don't necessarily manifest as mutant power.
    Inhumans have a sizable population that moved away from Attilan in early history, they either built their own isolated cities or live among the regular humans, which result in a lot of modern humans having Inhuman genes. And since New Attilan accept Nuhumans as their citizens, they could very well introduce other super powered genes into the formerly rather isolated gene pool that is Attilan Inhumans.(But we got Death of Inhumans, so yeah)
    Eternals' low population and low birth rate kinda just means their genes won't bleed too much into any other human offshoot, and they are created quite early in human history and lived for a very long time, they are likely to be pretty "pure" without DNA from other human offshoot.
    Deviants at one point almost conquered Earth and they would have either killed off/enslaved regular/prime humans, whether or not they bred with prime humans in a significant level is unknown. One would think Lemurians and Deviants may have been somewhat genetically intermingled since they live near to each after the Great Catalysm.(Though it's still a continent sized space under Ocean) Atlanteans don't really interact much with surface humanity and its offshoots

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