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    Unadjusted Human on CBR SUPERECWFAN1's Avatar
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    CM Punk's House

    Default The ABC's of Dating 2023

    Hello my young lovers of CBR. Some of you are sitting there , thinking of that special someone. Your thinking of that person who will be yours for a life time. As the Ladies Man would say..."Take your lover by the hand and ...(REST CENSORED BY CBR STANDARDS AND PRACTICES) ...."

    Dating in 2023 seems to have become a very weird practice. Usually you meet , find that potential someone . record a TikTok and watch it blow up on social media. Which at times...becomes funny to see.

    In one comical video a woman was invited out for drinks to get to know a man. She decided to order 4 plates of oysters (48 of them) and eat 2 dishes etc. All while believing the man would pay for her huge meal. Instead the guy decided to bail , likely knowing if this means "drinks" imagine what "dinner and drinks" means !

    But this is a new ABCs of dating folks. If you show up ladies , order a full course meal for this new man you meet. I mean , its a free meal right ? Just hope he doesn't walk off and leave you with the bill. So my tip is , tell the establishment that this guy is gonna pay and make sure they know he will.

    Make him pay for that lobster ok.

    Guys to not get trapped this way , arrive way earlier and out plot the female. Make sure the establishment knows , if she orders a prime lobster ...she is gonna pay. This is how you combat that situation. Its just one of the ABCs of dating !

    In the same week a man went on a 1st date with a real queen. A woman who demands the best in society like making a dude wait a long time and miss a fancy reservation. Then being angry at the Cheesecake Factory (clips like Oysters woman are on YouTube). Because today this woman demands the VERY BEST and not the Cheesecake Factory. That is for commoners .

    So if your going on a date , make sure your special someone takes you to only the finest dining establishment. If you pull up to Red Lobster , slap that person across the face and tell them how much of commoner they are for this. You deserve the best darn it ! THE BEST !

    Dating in 2023 is hard. But as we learn , TikTok shows that its best to take these lessons seriously.

    Now....I need to go get some seafood. I'll eat alone because my date obviously knows I'm a commoner and Red Lobster doesn't cut it in today's world.
    Last edited by SUPERECWFAN1; 10-15-2023 at 12:51 PM.
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