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  1. #1
    OUTRAGEOUS!! Thor-Ul's Avatar
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    Default IF the MCU reboots, will Marvel comics follow the lead and reboot too?

    That the question: If the MCU reboots, would the comics pushed by corporative synergy follow the lead and reboot too?

    There are speculation on the possibility of the MCU rebooting to go back to the original Avengers characters in Secret Wars. And as in these times, Corporative synergy is stronger (ask the mutant Ms.Marvel) do you think than someone would dare to reboot the comics too?

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  2. #2


    It's possible but I guess it depends on how much of the synergy is mandated by Disney or just Marvel Comics trying to ride a trend?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thor-Ul View Post
    That the question: If the MCU reboots, would the comics pushed by corporative synergy follow the lead and reboot too?

    There are speculation on the possibility of the MCU rebooting to go back to the original Avengers characters in Secret Wars. And as in these times, Corporative synergy is stronger (ask the mutant Ms.Marvel) do you think than someone would dare to reboot the comics too?

    If a person suggested that-they would need to be escorted OUT the door and out of the state.

    Folks keep screaming reboots which is a thinly veiled call of get rid of who I don't like.
    What folks forget is reboot REALLY means do whatever the bleep you want.

    Are we going back to day one for everyone?
    You do that you get rid of a LOT of folks.

    And how long would we have to wait for some folks to show up???

    You can't get Young Avengers, Generation X, New Warriors, Miles Morales, Ms Marvel, Riri, T'Challa, Cap Marvel and Storm's era of X-Men until you introduce everyone else.

    Unless you are going to rewrite history.

    And if you are pushing to match the movies-that opens a LARGER can of worms.

    What if the movie side hires an all Latino Fantastic Four-how is THAT going to go over with the comic side?

    What the movie side has Storm, Kitty, Rogue, Scott, Jean, Logan and Kamala as the FIRST X-Men team. I am SURE that will go over well with Beast, Angel and Iceman fans.

    New 52 showed how much of a bad idea was that.

    The same event that erased Wally West and tried to replace him with a black racist stereotype.

    Does ANYONE want that here?

  4. #4
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    Reboots have worked so well for DC, which is so much more successful than Marvel, sure, let's do that... :/

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