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  1. #16
    Moderator Frontier's Avatar
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    This is like the 5th or 6th time she's complained about reminds me of MCU She-Hulk and not in a good way.

  2. #17
    Extraordinary Member Mantis-Ray's Avatar
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    I do find it funny how Sivana refers to Billy as the "new Champion who stole the spot from Mary"

    When like Billy is ya know the original modern champion of Shazam and Mary only came in after he got his powers
    Last edited by Mantis-Ray; 12-27-2023 at 04:11 PM.

  3. #18
    Moderator Frontier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mantis-Ray View Post
    I do find it funny how Sivana refers to Billy as the "new Champion who stole the spot from Mary"

    When like Billy is ya know the current champion of Shazam and Mary only came in after he got his powers
    Billy's basically the reason Mary even had powers to begin with. Though admittedly Georgie is obsessed with Mary like her dad is with Billy so that probably colors her opinion.

  4. #19
    Mighty Member Fuzzy Mittens's Avatar
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    I appreciate that if their going to stick to Sivana being magic centric, we get someone more science focused like Georgie.
    Makes me wonder where they will go with Junior when he pops up

  5. #20
    Incredible Member Garrac's Avatar
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    Ok, so, very hot take here: I don't love this series but I don't hate it.

    it's just... more of the same of what weve been getting for the latest years. Amazons Attack tone, message and delivery fit better with Orlando, Tamaky or Cloonrad than what it does with Josie Campbell.You can tell she's more interested on writing Shazam anyway.

    This is a more superheroic and generic take on a very more concrete and political issue than the Tom King take. Granted, we can disagree with King's take, but it feels weird having Nubia tell us "Im not here searching for a war" while the usaians go all like, well, you know, usaians. Going from having a real country as the big bad of the story to having an OC villain with a god feels... just off. . It doesnt get better when you read the Tom King main series and realise how disconnected are they from each other. Like, on number 1 of this mini Nubia was going to meet the POTUS, but this month we see how the guy is not in for any talks at all, declaring all amazons enemies of the state and all.

    I have contradictory feelings towards Amazons Attack. For one part, I thank very much having various takes on the wonderfamily going on at the same time. For the other, I, very personally, would prefer a more focused take on the plot, and not have the characters kidnapped from being used on the regular series.

    All that said, may the goddesses bless Orlando for creating Faruka because she clearly is the sauce in the burger every tme she interacts with the wonderfamily. My fav teams, both in tv and comics, allways need to have someone that doesnt get into the line and acts like an asshole.

  6. #21
    Extraordinary Member HsssH's Avatar
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    I don't think that anyone is being kidnapped here, King likely had no big plans for any of these characters.

  7. #22
    Mighty Member Fuzzy Mittens's Avatar
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    Yeah, Kings made it pretty clear in interviews and such that he was wanting and encouraging other people to do stories and series using Wonder Womans cast of characters. Hoping that other series spun off from his efforts to put Wonder Woman on the map.

    I honestly do not see how this series going away would by any stretch of the imagination actually help Wonder Woman in any capacity. I mean even putting aside that Amazons Attack literally has Amazons in the name, its not like the moment this book ends Kings going to go "Oh gosh! I better start heavily changing up my story to work Yara, Faruka, and Nubia into the main plot!"

    Yaras still slated to show up in an upcoming issue of Wonder Woman even while this book is going on. And its not like we are seeing much of Etta or Siggy or Ferdinand simply because their available.

    Wonder Woman has ALOT of heroes and villains. Having a portion of the book focus a little on Mary Marvel while were also seeing Nubia and Faruka just hilariously bounce off one another isn't doing terrible damage to things. If anything id compare this to how Black Canary was a frequent figure in the Batbooks such as Birds of Prey.
    If the Marvel family wind up becoming sorta secondary figures in the Wonder books as has happened to so many series for other characters in the past. (See any ocean superhero and they have been folded into Aquaman at some point) Then thats not necesarily a bad thing.

  8. #23
    Incredible Member Garrac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HsssH View Post
    I don't think that anyone is being kidnapped here, King likely had no big plans for any of these characters.
    Does Josie Campbell, tho? It really seems like this was a pitch for a Shazam story that got reconverted at the last minute. I don't really see what's the plot in this for poor Nubia, Faruka, or even Yara, that actually has some story on this, but still hasnt had a narrative focus at all.

    Alltho, I guess it doesnt hurt anyone to have sometimes some spin-offs, I guess it's good that we're having these at all. It's not something Im signaling like an enraged oblivious tweetstar to demand my total and utter disapointment towards something that probably doesnt deserve that much thought at all. Just something I was thinking about while reading these two books at the same time. It's also a classic dilemma on more franchised superhero brands (Speed Force readers with the Flashpurrier run, i.e.), it's just more new for us wonderfans now that regular spin-offs on the wonderfamily seem like a possibility

  9. #24
    Moderator Frontier's Avatar
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    Campbell is definitely very Mary-oriented but the other ladies are probably getting more to do than they will in the main WW book right now.

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psy-lock View Post
    Yara's distaste for the Wonder Girl name really annoys me. Cassie should reclaim it for good.
    Hey she took the tiara

  11. #26
    Astonishing Member OBrianTallent's Avatar
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    As others have said, I dont hate the series. Josie is at least a competent writer, which is something we haven't always had. There's been some really fun moments...Faruka is definitely the star of the show with Hoppy being her sidekick. Nubia and Yara are just along for the ride, Mary gets far more attention than either of the others.
    DC editorial is fairly non-existent these days whether it's from not having enough people to do the job or just not having the right people doing the job, who knows...but at least for Wonder Woman we are getting better than we have had a lot of times.
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  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garrac View Post
    All that said, may the goddesses bless Orlando for creating Faruka because she clearly is the sauce in the burger every tme she interacts with the wonderfamily.
    Orlando didn't create Faruka. This version is a reinterpretation of a Bana Amazon created by George Perez.

  13. #28
    Mighty Member Fuzzy Mittens's Avatar
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    Id still credit Orlando on that one since the only things those two characters have in common is a name.
    Perez's was assassinating other Bana and making an attempt to grab power via a coup. Not caring how many of her own perished for the sake of a power grab. I don't really see Orlandos Faruka doing that to her own people.

  14. #29
    Incredible Member Garrac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Agent Z View Post
    Orlando didn't create Faruka. This version is a reinterpretation of a Bana Amazon created by George Perez.
    I know, but as with Nubia and Stephanie Williams, but Im still gonna credit Orlando because he's the one that has fleshed out her to a fleshly new character that has little to nothing to do with the original one. She's a bitch, but she's our bitch.

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