We Continue on Per the Tradition of Our Yearly Challenge from Past Years to Help Motivate Us to Experience More Cinema in our Lives;

The Official Beginning of the 2024 Movie Challenge Thread!

The Previous Year was 150 Movies & I feel that is right now still an Appropriate Challenge Still, So we will keep it the same as before!

It's is the right amount!

So Now as Past Challenges, The Challenge Simply is to Watch 150 Movies in Year of 2024 in the Time-Frame from the Very Start of the Year to the Very End of the Year, Midnight to Midnight!

Da Rules are Noted Below!


1.) It can be Any Movie so long as it fits what mostly IS considered a movie, Length of a Movie usually is at least around an hour or more.

2.) There are Unique exceptions like Anime Movies, some of them can be shorter the an hour, but if they hit around 30 mins or more that is questionable, but I will let you be the judge of that.

3.) Also shows that feature movies Like Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes I will count since those mostly feature full length movies.

4.) Documentaries will be included as well as long as they are in the movie format. If any problems or concerns let me know.

5.) I have been in other Challenges like the Halloween Movie Challenge on the TV/Film Thread & it has been allowed when unique TV Mini-Series like Salem's Lot (1979) & IT (1990) have been put in a watching format in a way that makes it a full length movie and is for the most part considered so. So such Mini-Series in these movie formats if you already have not been certain to include them are fine. If you did it in the past that was fine as well.

6.) Try to watch the movie on a Legal~Formats, try to avoid not legal like pirating or any other format like that.

7.)The ONLY OPINON in watching a movie Final Choice!

Piracy is not allowed, but many Older and Rarer movies I have found VERY Hard to come by them either by VHS, DVD or Streaming services. These more obscure movies have YET been found fully posted on places like You-Tube and others Video services by users. Now I still encourage the other Traditional formats as the main opinions to support the movie industry, but if there are some of these Very Hard to find movies you want to watch but can only see them in those upload formats, that will be considered that ok, but only as a last resort. If the studios that made them seem not care they are there and don't care to make DVD's or VHS's of them, then I would not worry too much over it.

8.) You can give us to the format you watch the movie on if you like as well on you listings. It is Encouraged also to Post your lists of what you have watch so far ever now and again if you feel like. Also Feel Free to share your Reviews and Thoughts of your movies, those are a Joy for Many to read!

9.) It is NOT~150-DIFFERENT Movies either ~~~ If you decide to Watch the same movie several times then that counts as well, number of times you seen a movie counts to the overall total. So if you seen the same movie 3x's during the challenge time period, then that is 3 to your total. We all gain new experiences when seeing a Movie more then once, it is very enriching.

10.) You can go OVER 150 if you like, its 150 At Minimum or more to complete the challenge.

11.) You have to see the majority length of the movie you are watching. Mostly around 90% of it, counting off around 10% for times like when we are in theaters and have to take bathroom breaks or step out for a moment, things like that.

12.) We ALL have Busy Lives and Responsibilities, so if You are Watching a Movie and have to stop and come back to later and pick up where you left off that Counts and Always counts, it is about seeing the Majority Whole of the Movie, so don't worry about if you have to start and pick-up later, that is just Life.

13.) If Anyone has any concerns or questions about Da Rules or things that should be added that will be ok, just make a post and I will go over it, I will edit as we go along that sound like good suggestion.

14.) The Contest Begins at the stroke of Midnight of the start of 2024 and will end when 2024 officially ends at the stroke of Midnight to start 2024!

15.) BUT & HOWEVER, If you are Watching a Movie on December 31st, 2024 & watch at least a good majority by the time 2025 hits and just have a little left, that can still count, just it can't be starting it right when 2025 is about to hit.

16.) Overall Have Fun & Enjoy!