Dick Tracy
The Rocketeer
The Phantom
Incredible Hulk Returns
Howard the Duck
Trial of Incredible Hulk
the 1990 Captain America movie
the David Hasselhoff Nick Fury movie

Those movies were fun to watch and not crammed with bunch of crap like today's Marvel Movie Universe where its all about Avengers plot or Thor dealing with finding out about long lost sisters or cleaning up mistakes that his father made in the past etc

the Dick Tracy movie was fun and simple
the Rocketeer had a simple even though a bit over the top plot. . The Germans were trying to build jetpacks to rule the world only for a small town teen to steal one and keep one hidden in a mechanic shop yada yada. a big shot actor character in cahoots with the Germans or Russian. then a big cartoonist henchman that looks like he came from the Dick Tracy world.