Quote Originally Posted by Assam View Post
Questions for people who don't like the Fab 5 as a unit: Do you like the Justice League's Big 7? Do you think that it's not the League without the Trinity? Personally, my answer to both of these questions is "No", but I seem to be in the minority there, at least on this forum. Unlike the Big 7, I love the Fab 5, owed primarily to the Devin Grayson run, and while I similarly feel that Titans groups can exist without any members of it, I question why the League gets a pass from many as being classic, iconic and irreplaceable, while the the Fab 5 are deemed boring and stale. Especially since the latter have spent far less time together as a whole than the former.
I think the inherent problem is that when you put together a team with the original Titans as adults, you end up with a book that's very much Justice League Lite.