Quote Originally Posted by king of hybrids View Post
they left the fear-bug alive, and now separate from sinestro, for a reason beyond merely johns wanting to use them in FE. if i was to guess, i'd say the dimming might have left parallax weak enough that if he goes into hal again, he won't be able to separate from him or dominate him, so it reverts back to a combo of original flavor parallax and johns' stuff.

or heck, some remnant of all the rings that have gone through hal would probably do a number on his sanity under the right circumstances
Well, post "Uprising" solicits have been released. That is, if Sinestro takes place after the events of Green Lantern Corps. If it does, then Hal Jordan is shown on the cover of Sinestro #4 with this solicitation.

"Sinestro and Hal Jordan cross paths for the first time since Sinestro brutally murdered the Guardians! Can Hal stop Sinestro from assembling a universe-threatening army? And even more crucial: SHOULD he?"

So, if Sinestro #4 takes place after Green Lantern Corps #33, as I believe it does, Hal Jordan comes out of "Uprising" as still regular Hal Jordan. I hope that's all easy to understand.