Writer: Charles Soule

Artist: Ryan Stegman

Colorist: Marte Gracia

Publication Date: Sept. 10, 2014


Jason and Dante catch up on what happened with Jason and his family when the Terrigen mist hit them. At the same time, Medusa and The Unspoken exchanges words (lies and insults mostly).

What I Liked

✔Dante's character development
✔Jason's background story
✔Gabby was a nice addition to the mix and she can quickly become one of the fan favorites
✔Ryan Stegman's art is looking better and better

What I Didn’t Like

✘Interaction between Medusa and The Unspoken was ok, but I couldn't believe in some of Medusa's actions


Change is inevitable. Learning and dealing with them is what makes us grow.

Score: 7.5/10