Hi Everyone,

My name is Liam, I'm a writer/Artist from England, I've been working on a comic series that I've been publishing on Tumblr for the last couple of months. I wanted to post a few samples and meet some like-minded creators, as a screenwriting graduate who would prefer to make comic books I've got about a dozen stories either written or in development that I'd love to find some collaborators for. There's no money but there is always opportunity (split profits, equal partnership), I know its a big ask, as somebody who writes, draws, inks, and letters his own comics I know how much work goes into every page! So yeah, goals stated. I'm also looking for people who share this weird, solitary pursuit, I'm looking for storytellers I can shoot the shit with, talk shop, swap info, get feed back from, whatever really. I'm big into my film and comics, doing pretty much everything on American Zombie which can be found at http://americanzombiecomic.tumblr.com/ and also putting the finishing touches on a script for a wonderful artist that I met online recently.

I'd love to know what anyone thinks, hit me up to chat

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American Zombie SPREADS 10 & 111.jpg