Hey All,

Now that the Community has been successfully rebooted, it's time to spend some money on making this community more accesible.

First off, a new server has been ordered today. It'll probably take a week to get here, then another to get it set up and ready to go, but that's coming. Should help with the slow loading, that's for sure.

When we decided to reboot the community, we held off getting a new server hoping that the smaller database size would help responsiveness. Well, that didn't happen and while the new Community is a bit faster than it was, it lags too often. Thus the upgrade.

Secondly, we're investigating mobile options. The default available via vBulletin is pretty bad. vBulletin does have a mobile suite for sale, but I honestly don't know how much better it is. We're investigating.

Additionally, it seems there are two different mobile app offerings available for vBulletin -- Tapatalk and Forum Runner.

Tapatalk looks good, but it actually hurts forum owners. For one, there's no way for forum owners to monetize the app and no way for forum owners to claim the traffic in the app in Google Analytics. Tapatalk DOES serve ads, but all the money for those ads goes to Tapatalk. Everytime you read a post via Tapatalk, it costs the forum owner in bandwidth, lost ad revenue and also in traffic. This is a no go, unless they have a paid version which we've not been able to discover.

Forum Runner used to offer customized apps as recently as a year ago, but their site doesn't contain any info about that at the moment. I've written their support account to find out, but at the moment it appears Forum Runner may be no better than Tapatalk, but I'm not giving up hope.

For those of you who frequent other forums that are of the same size/scale of the CBR Community, what do you see people using for mobile? Does anyone have any feedback on vBulletin's mobile suite? What other forums do you use that use either Forum Runner or Tapatalk?

Thanks in advance for your feedback. We definitely want these forums to be mobile optimized, but it needs to be the right option for all involved.