Quote Originally Posted by Balakin View Post
So many good runs in that. I LOVE Hellboy but please try to put aside the hype or your preconceived notions based on the movies (any of them). I've read the whole run up to In Hell like 3 times at least in the last decade and I appreciate the whole as is it but at first it only really grabbed me with the Chained coffin short stories onward (namely The Corpse).

Also Invisibles... listening to podcasts with Morrison and reading that book changed the way I think and it's one of my all time favorite series but it's not for everyone that's for sure.
And Bendis DD is just the best DD in my opinion (Born again, Brubaker and the current Zdarsky run comes close. I know it's debatable and most people put Miller's above Bendis but I most of that run did not live up to it's reputation for me).

As for recommendations, it's tough. AXM is probably the best self contained X-men story, back to basics, consistent art, but Invincible is such a wild ride that keeps escalating and it's one of the most consistent long running superhero series ever. I truly love both but I would say only buy Invincible if you're ready to take the plunge on the rest of the series (budget friendly solution would be the 3 compendiums).
I am addicted so I said screw it and ordered Astonishing X Men AND picked up the following start to Invincible:

Invincible Ultimate Collection Vol 1
Invincible Ultimate Collection Vol 2
Invincible Ultimate Collection Vol 3
Capes TPB
Super Patriot TPB
Tech Jacket TPB

Going to do the full on Invincible Reading Order with all the extra series as well.