I've been catching up on the current volume of ASM recently after losing interest for a few months. I've read the Doc Ock arc, the wedding issue and last night I finished the arc where Spidey gets possessed by the sins of Norman Osborn.

I'm honestly a little baffled at the hate that this run gets. Yes, it sometimes feels a little uninspired. Yes, Paul is a bit of a flat character. Yes, the six month gap, and mystery around everyone hating Peter was contrived, annoying and ultimately really unsatisfying. I don't think its anywhere near the reboot era or the worst parts of the Clone Saga for ineptitude though. It gets nowhere near the highs of Spencer's run, but is never as bad as that was run towards the end.

So, anyway - the arc running through ASM #32-35. I liked it! After being extremely sceptical initially, I am really enjoying 'good Norman'. The idea of his dual persona reminds me of the 90s cartoon and I must say, I think I actually prefer it to the permanently evil Norman that we've had (in the comics at least) since he returned in the 90s.

The core plot of the arc is fine. A little contrived (how did Kraven and Queen Goblin end up together?) and EXTREMELY derivative of JMD. I think we can hopefully put Kraven's Last Hunt to bed now. It's all done relatively well though. Seeing Spidey cut loose is fun from time to time, the fight scenes are great and I thought that Kraven being hunted actually put an interesting new spin on the classic KLH formula. I must admit, I was internally groaning when Vermin showed up however. Gleason's art is terrific throughout though. I loved the cliffhanger ending too - very predictable admittedly, but I still enjoyed it and I'm actually kind of excited to see Norman inevitably turning evil again.

Unfortunately, MJ with superpowers is just a horrible idea. I am really not a fan. And in fact, I'm not too keen on the way that Wells writes her in general.

I had a quick look at the forum thread here for this issue, and I was quite surprised at how negative it was. I really don't think this arc was bad at all, and the last few issues (since the Ock arc at least) have been lots of fun.

My grade would be hovering somewhere around the B mark.