I'm actually looking forward to Channing Tatum's/FOX's "Gambit" movie. I hope that Gaz is back on track with coordinating themes with movies by then... I digress... Remy Lebeau is the leader of the Thieves Guild, a union of thieves gathered by the External Candra to act as half of her personal army...the other half is the Assassins Guild (I hope the Gambit movie is based on this origin story). In SHSO the original OP combo characters were anyone with a staff or battle staves. Gambit was one of these. His speedy and deadly combo was easily one of the game's best but his PUs/HU were some of the game's worst. Happily, his star power-ups and hero-up were greatly buffed. Now all we can ask for is one of his R3s, so here's twenty of them:

  • Repaint- AKA Reskin. An exact or near exact duplicate hero in terms of combo & PUs/HU. We have just a few of these in SHSO: AAIM, White Phoenix, Classic Daredevil, Avenging Wolverine etc.
  • Retread- Same hero different combos, PUs and HU. Examples: Swashbuckling Nightcrawler and Pirate Deadpool.
  • Rehash- Similar hero similar combo, PUs, and HU. Examples: Red Hulk, Rescue, Beta Ray Bill.

1. Gambit: Earth-616. This is the Marvel NOW! or "All-New X-Factor" or Serval Industries version of Remy. The Serval team is a privately owned superhero team lead by Serval's CEO Harrison Snow.
2. Gambit: Earth-616. This is the first of many looks from Gambit's solo book. This is often referred to as his "Forever Endeavor" look because he wore this uniform/disguise in Forever City to free some captured X-students.
3. Gambit: Earth-616. Remy's second "Forever Endeavor" look. Nothing wrong with the all black look.
4. Death: Earth-616. Right after M-Day, Apocalypse transformed Remy into the fourth incarnation of Death. Gambit also joined the Marauders with this look. This version of Remy has the Deathseed powers of creating poisonous gas (usually from his mouth), a type of mind control called "Deathseed corruption", and an increase to his mutant power called "Deathcharge". Again, three obvious PUs or HU. SHSO needs some Apocalypse content...but you know, FOX...
5. Gambit: Earth-11326 (TRN016). This version of Gambit is his Tempo Cadre uniform. Tempo Cadre was an elite team (led by Tempo- she's a chronkinetic- that's a time controller) that guarded Fortress X (which is a giant building made by Magneto from stolen New York skyscrapers). This version of Gambit also used a Jennings Volition repeating rifle with his mutant-charged ammo.
6. Gambit: Earth-6706. On this Earth, Remy is the first born son of Namor and Sue Storm. I'll let that sink in for a second. So, he has Namor's powers plus Invisible Woman's! He usually uses his psionic powers to create an invisible shield and sword. Or...we could just get Namor, already.
7. Gambit: Earth-616. Gambit's shirtless look (well he's wearing part of his shirt as a mask) from "She's the End of the World" (AKA "Gambit #4"). Gambit tore his shirt because he ran out of cards/things to charge to throw at a rampaging, ancient Guatamalan god. Ladies love it...probably some guys do, too.
8. Gambit: Earth-1610. This Ultimate version of Remy sacrificed himself to destroy Juggernaut.
9. Gambit: Earth-1298. So, do you want a purple Gambit who is also a vampire? Then you'll love Mutant X's version of Remy.
10-11. Gambit: Earth-295. This the 'Age of Apocalypse' version of Remy. He is also the leader of the X-Ternals (which included Jubilee and Sunspot) who were friends with the Starjammers.
12. The Witness: Earth-1191. A time-traveling Lebeau (somehow linked to the Momentary Princess gem) that could possibly be Remy's dad or Remy himself. I'm a big believer the next 'big update' in SHSO should be based on some type of time-traveling content. Time-traveling could give us older characters and missions set in the Old West, WWII (I really want to kill me some Nazis- I know they'd have to be HYDRA goons...but we all know they'd really be Nazis!), Morgan le Fay's 'Arthurian' times, Noir era, and dinosaurs (Savage Land missions could also do this).
13. Gambit: Earth-1011. Remy's mind is put into an X-Sentinel. This was "Armor Wars" before "Armor Wars".
14. Gambit: Earth-616. Remy and X-23 briefly became pirates while traveling to Madripoor, and Pirate Deadpool is very popular...This is from the cover of "X-23 #7".
15. Gambit: Earth-23378. An Earth offshoot of Age of Apocalype's Earth-295. This version of Gambit is the leader of the X-Men which has Beast, Marvel Girl (Jean Grey), Storm, and Ice-Man in their classic X-Men unis. They are at odds with Magneto's brotherhood of Marrow, Rogue, Sunfire and Polaris.
16. Gambit: Earth-161. This is the "X-Men Forever" version of Gambit. He is Remy Picard. He wears a suit.
17. Gambit: Earth-616. Why does Thing only get a tuxedo?
18. Oliver Raven: Earth-41001. AKA Olivier LeBeau. This GeNexter is the biological son of Gambit and Rogue (with the help of genetic manipulation/splicing with Mr. Sinister and Cyclops). He has Rogue's powers (including flight) and some telepathy. And like his dad, he prefers to fight with a staff.
19. Janis Jones: Earth-9200. This "Future Imperfect" warrior uses her energy-shooting staff as well as her ponytail to fight against Maestro's minions.

Bonus Gambit

20. New Sun: Earth-9921. This version of Remy was created by a secret government program called 'Alpha-1', and was fulfillment of the prophecy of "Le Diable Blanc" (The White Devil). Remy's mutant power had no limitations and became a being of pure kinetic energy so powerful he single-handily killed his world's Phoenix.

Spy's Take-Aways and Questions

- Now that Secret Wars has pretty much ended the Ultimate World (Earth-1610), will we see any more Ultimates? (Have you seen the new Mr. F?!)
- Will we ever see any Apocalypse content?
- Namor. Did I mention Namor?
- Please re-read #12, Gaz.
- #15 reminded me that Gaz has a First Appearance Cyclops in the works...I'd love them to complete the original 5 X-Men (we already have Jean Grey), repaints of Iceman (make him bald), Beast (a big-footed human), and Angel (just slap on his old outfit) could be like the Future Foundation team recently added...AND they could add Professor X for a complete theme!
- Names on this list ignored: Apocalypse, Sunfire, Polaris, Marrow, Maestro, Mr. Sinister, Jubilee, Starjammers, and did I mention Namor?

Stay Tuned, True Believers! Next Episode- Ghost Haste!