Despite not being thrilled by the Cicadas all season (because of how often they got away, the season dragged), I really did like Nora, and I enjoyed the finale. Thawne probably needs a speed upgrade if he's going to be any sort of real menace from now on. By season 2, Barry was faster than him, and in this episode he even just hung back this time while his team got in some hits first.

I'm not sure how I liked the way Cisco was written off. I think I'm too distracted by his superhero secret reveal with Kamillah. She reads comic books and knows tropes so they can just breeze through the scene? That felt too meta/self aware for me and not genuine enough. I did, however, believe that Cisco was getting increasingly disheartened by being Vibe all season. What did he give Caitlin? Was it a new costume?

Quote Originally Posted by The Cool Thatguy View Post
Hopefully after Barry was thrown in jail and not before
Singh probably figured out around the time DeVoe (Ralph in disguise) came back and surprised Marlize during the trial. That was incredibly sloppy on the part of Team Flash, couldn't have been hard for Singh to put two and two together. Before that, though, Barry did a decent job of covering himself. I remember one episode where he managed to be at CCPD as both the Flash and Barry in front of Singh.

Quote Originally Posted by theoneandonly View Post
I hate haters!!! Lolz anyways I am also glad that Cisco is biding adieu as he was getting increasingly grating. the influx of Harry wells lookalikes should also be stopped and the one from earth 2 should be the only one to appear henceforth. I am getting sick of so many HWs.
Sherloque was okay, but him as a detective took too much away from Ralph being a detective. Also, he functioned the same way HR did in that he sort of had to question sciencey things so Caitlin and/or Cisco could come to a solution. Harry is still the best version, and I'd like to see him come back.

Quote Originally Posted by Jon Clark View Post
Yep, fun time-travel rules alright. They destroy the dagger in 2019. So it doesn't exist in 2020-2049 and could never have been used to depower Thawne at any point. So EVERY event following from Thawne being imprisoned should be erased, not Thawne in jail awaiting execution with the dagger jut vanishing at the most dramatic moment.
They did a "Meanwhile in the future!" thing. Probably my least favorite thing about the finale, and the fact that Thawne's plan all hinged on this and was building towards it.

Quote Originally Posted by signalman112 View Post
I would love to see both Tom Cavanagh and Matt Letscher appear as the Reverse Flash in the same episode. Now that's a CRISIS!
It would've been awesome if during the part he split into two Reverse Flashes that one of them was Matt Letscher.

Quote Originally Posted by Malvolio View Post
I would love to see Steve Yuen play Ryan Choi.
And have him face off against Emily Kinney's Bug Eyed Bandit. Come to think of it, they did name drop Ryan Choi at the beginning of the season, so now would be a great time to introduce him.