We do not fully know the amount of information Wells has access to in regard to future events. He obviously has the paper showing us a decade from now, but also the knowledge of the hundreds of years in between now and the time he comes from plus the years he experienced in his normal, forward moving life until he becomes the Reverse Flash. With all this time travel in play, he may also have info regarding his final fate before it happens, (perhaps the traditional neck-snap at the hands of Barry) which could be a pretty good motivator.

Also in regard to Eddie, all he has to do is see the byline on that future newspaper to start his descent into becoming an adversary. I can totally see him as the new Reverse Flash (or better yet, Zoom) once Eobard is dead. A nice, slow boil, showing him get speed powers (maybe a retroactive inherited trait through some sort of transfusion? Could he recreate Barrys accident? There are a million possibilities) would be a real treat. We shall see.