Quote Originally Posted by Elmo View Post
Evil counterparts from the future have been done before in comics and movies and shows all the time. The problem is, this particular story isn't effective. We have seen so much of Barry blaming himself for different things. First it was for not realizing Wells was Eobard. Then it was for Ronnie's death. Then it was for not realizing "Jay" was Zoom/Hunter. Then he literally altered reality and caused aliens to attack earth, and changed the course of several people's lives. And as if that wasn't enough they had to make him a murderous speedster.

There are MAJOR inconsistencies. Firstly, the idea that Barry becomes Savitar and kills Iris because he witnesses himself as Savitar killing Iris makes no sense. Even thinking about it hurts my brain. Something had to have come first that didn't involve Barry as Savitar. If Barry cannot become Savitar without seeing himself as Savitar, the show has created an impossible time loop here without any way to explain why Barry became Savitar in the first place. Because originally, there was no Savitar.
Totally agree. Unless Barry is being controlled by someone/something else or his mind has been damaged in some way, I will never believe our Barry would ever in a million years wind up becoming Savitar.