GENERATION WHY: PART 2 (spoilers!)

Well, the good news is Coles Academic Highschool won't need volunteers for asbestos removal anymore...

This issue sees Kamala and the Inventor's robot fight, using pieces of the school as weapons. It helps that she has Lockjaw though, because soon she and Bruno are rescued - by Medusa!

Bruno sits by Kamala while she rests, and talks shop with New Attilan's chief Nuhuman doctor Vinatos. Upon awakening Medusa finally teaches Kamala of her Inhuman heritage. She also insists that Kamala stay and recover while she sends others to deal with the Inventor, but Kamala will have none of it.

After relieving her mother that she is safe from the attack, Kamala and Vick head back to the shack from the first arc (Kamala sporting a new costume that Vinatos made from Bruno's specifications). A nifty fight ensues, leading to quite a swerve in the story of exactly what the inventor is up to...

As you can see, this is a meaty issue for its 2.99 price point. Kamala learns her backstory, and also a new potential stipulation to her powers. We also learn that this story is taking place sometime before the Inhuman book, certainly before #6.

There's a lot of great "down" moments, like Bruno in the medical suite and the scene with Kamala and her parents, where her mother expresses some well-founded concerns.

Adrian Alphona once again covers art, this time another drawing an existing Marvel character for the first time in Medusa. My only qualm is that her hair is orange with a dark orange outline, and since most of the time a majority of her profile is cut by the hair it doesn't make her stand out as much. But that's a bit nitpicky, especially because I'm so spoiled by Stegman's Medusa.

Best sight gag? Well, first off there's the kid in the RELAX shirt, who manages to survive the entire attack in CAH dozing in his chair. His desk and (most regrettably) his Pink Panther statuette were not so lucky.

Runner up: the man walking his dog, who is relieving himself on the Kahns' neighbor's trash can (not a comma splice). His dog also has a dinner fork on his head, evidently in jealous of Lockjaw.