Looks like Bruce Banner has worked out what the Illuminati have been doing. What I don't see explained here is that Bruce Banner always knew the Illuminati existed. Sure, he could be referring to Planet Hulk, and WWH, where the Hulk called out the Illuminati for sending him into outer space, but I get the impression Bruce knew the Illuminati existed before that. I also don't remember the floating tech mechs (that was welcoming Bruce to the Avengers Tower), ever showing up before.

Nevertheless, this issue does represent a Hallmark moment when the Illuminati are revealed and their mission exposed, let alone, the inclusion of Bruce Banner into the club. For this to be the case, the Illuminati accept that Bruce Banner is of the same ilk as themselves, and not like Captain America, who wants nothing to do with destroying alternate Earths. This would be the turning point in the assimilation between Avengers and New Avengers, and Bruce Banner is the fulcrum, because he himself worked out the Illuminati's hand in the formation of the Avengers as the Avengers Machine. To me this swept over my head. Somehow Banner interpreted the elements of Richards and Black Panthers hand in the formation of the Avengers Machine, and also Hank McCoy. I had difficulty seeing the Illuminati's hand in the formation of the Avengers Machine, and I had the benefit of knowing their was a link with the New Avengers. Did anybody else see what Banner saw? I just saw a collection of a lot of super heroes.