Quote Originally Posted by XPac View Post
Honestly I have no issues with Jamie going back for Cersi. To me it made perfect sense. Not only is she his sister, but she's carrying his unborn child. I'd frankly think less of Jamie if he didn't at least TRY and protect them.

The Hound is a trickier issue. I think him moving past vengeance does a better job of conveying his growth as a character. But if we never got Cleganebowl, I think a good portion of the viewership would frankly feel ripped off for not getting it. It's sort of a damned if ya do and damned if ya don't sort of thing. Hound talking Aria out of her vengence while still getting his own is SORT OF a compromise. Sort of.
I think it may have worked better of the confrontation was forced upon him - the audience gets the bowl, and Sandor is fighting for something larger.