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Thread: Game of Thrones

  1. #1
    Fantastic Member areacode212's Avatar
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    Default Game of Thrones

    Continued from the GoT thread from the old forums.

    So, regarding the latest episode ("Oathkeeper"), I wasn't crazy about the fact that Margaery is supposedly surprised that Olenna was part of the plot to kill Joffrey, because I always assumed that Marge was also in on it. In fact, since she was actually closest to the cup while Joffrey cut open the pigeon pie, I figured that Olenna had passed the poison to Margaery at some point during the feast, then Marge herself put the poison in.

    Evil Burn Gorman being evil and drinking from Mormont's skull was pretty great, though after all of last episode's rape controversy and the weeklong Internet firestorm, I really could have done without seeing more of that at Craster's.

    Was very happy to see Michelle MacLaren's name at the beginning of the episode--visually, the episode looked great, especially the opening scene with Grey Worm and Missandei.

  2. #2
    Moderator Nyssane's Avatar
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    I was a bit surprised by Margaery not knowing, as well. However, I'm not sure how willing she would've been to poison Joffrey. Yeah, he was a horrible, horrible person, but she's willing to do anything to get a baby and become queen. She put a lot of time and effort into charming Joffrey. That said, Tommen will certainly be easier (and safer).

    I could've done without the rape at Craster's, too. I have endless waves of sympathy for the Craster women... their lives are utter crap.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vibranium View Post
    there needs to be a disclaimer before this show starts, if you are a Sensitive Sally, please switch the channel to Revenge on ABC
    There's no need for any of that.

  3. #3
    Incredible Member Forseti's Avatar
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    I was more surprised by Olenna telling Margaery of her involvement than Margaery not knowing about it at all. When it comes to regicide, I wouldn't want to involve more people than strictly necessary and I certainly wouldn't want to unnecessarily burden someone with such knowledge after the fact.

  4. #4
    BANNED Joker's Avatar
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    I was surprised they didn't drag out the who-done-it longer.

  5. #5
    Fantastic Member areacode212's Avatar
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    I was a bit surprised by Margaery not knowing, as well. However, I'm not sure how willing she would've been to poison Joffrey. Yeah, he was a horrible, horrible person, but she's willing to do anything to get a baby and become queen. She put a lot of time and effort into charming Joffrey. That said, Tommen will certainly be easier (and safer).
    When I read the books, I interpreted it as being that the plan all along was for Margaery to end up marrying Tommen. Even in the show, last season, when Sansa told them that Joffrey was a monster, and Olenna & Marge shared that glance, it came off like they were going to plan something. Her charming Joffrey was just her way of a) keeping him happy until the wedding, and b) throwing suspicion off herself.

  6. #6
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    I like Margaery...a lot

    she seems a bit more fleshed out in the show than in the books...or at least fleshed out earlier

  7. #7
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    I know I should never get attached to the characters but....I don't want anything bad to happen to Hodor!!!

  8. #8
    Mackin on the princess MikeP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Legato View Post
    I know I should never get attached to the characters but....I don't want anything bad to happen to Hodor!!!
    SHHHH never say those things aloud. Have you learned nothing of GRRM?

    Life is but a dream

  9. #9
    Amazing Member ILLUS's Avatar
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    The biggest problem with every episode is they are too damn short. I feel like they either need to slow it all down and give us at least 20 eps a season or each ep should be 2 hours. In reality it could be two shows a week. one on Westeros and the other across the sea with dragons.

    I was a bit surprised Olenna revealed herself. But I guess she had to convince Margaery to do her thing to seduce the kid.

    Sadly this Sunday is the 5th ep and that means the season is half over already. UGH
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  10. #10
    New and Improved hulahulk's Avatar
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    Yes she does. And apparently the actress is a marathon runner. Kudos to her.

    I have to say, the direction the Brann plotline is going is more interesting than what I've read in the books. And, regarding the books, it seems like forever I read a page from them. I had to go to the Wiki pages to refresh my memory.

  11. #11
    Amazing Member Hatbar's Avatar
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    I'm glad they have given Bran and co something else to do because he has been really underused so far (although I understand why) poor Hodor getting beat up, bless him.
    I can't wait to see Littlefinger and Sansa reach the Eyrie and meet up with the crazy breast feeding aunt and her son!

  12. #12
    BANNED Crimson Knight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hatbar View Post
    I'm glad they have given Bran and co something else to do because he has been really underused so far (although I understand why) poor Hodor getting beat up, bless him.
    I can't wait to see Littlefinger and Sansa reach the Eyrie and meet up with the crazy breast feeding aunt and her son!
    Nothing crazy about breast feedin', sugar. Just one 'o' God' many mysteries.

    Is that actually the Aunt, because I had a completely different picture in my mind, of who Arya and the Hound, Littlefinger and Sansa were going to meet?

    Also, do you mean due to Brans' disability, or Hodors' possible one, making it possibly more difficult with certain stories, or because of there being people that are disinterested in the storyline?

  13. #13
    Extraordinary Member MichaelC's Avatar
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    I don't understand why they got the poison into the feast in such a convoluted manner. It's not like anyone was frisking the major players.

  14. #14
    Amazing Member Hatbar's Avatar
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    Hi Crimson Knight, I think they are all heading to Catelyn's sister at the Vale - I can't remember her name, just her son sucking on her prosthetic breast!
    As for Bran, his story doesn't involve much action, just travelling from A to B so they needed to jazz it up a bit for the TV show. I really enjoy his chapters in the book but he doesn't have as much material as the other to work with.

  15. #15
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    Lyssa Arryn (formerly Tully) who is at the Aerie(sp?)

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