Quote Originally Posted by Foxy View Post
They've been going off the books for a while now. If I recall correctly, the last book published so far ends with Daenarys being dropped in a grass field by Drogon after he rescues her from the fighting pits, only to be surrounded by Dothraki. That was at least 2 seasons ago I think. Of course GRRM had some chapters of the next book that he publicly read here and there but as far as I know they did not contain major plot points for the main characters.

Actually I think they did a really good job when they went past the books, would have expected much worse. I can understand the complaints about the season feeling rushed, but Dany going bat-sh*t crazy was not really a surprise. They could have used some time in the first two episodes to build that up a bit more. That way, Jon's realisation and action would have had more weight to it.

But that's the problem with such shows: everybody has a different ending in mind and you can only pick one, so lots of people will be disappointed. But hey, they gave us 8 years of what is - all in all - one of the greatest shows we ever got. So I am not upset
Her decent was a surprise to me, I understood why she did what she did but going completely insane was surprising and I felt let down by the way she was handled. I still feel like some things should’ve been altered when it was realized they would only have so many episodes this season. Anything could’ve been fixed in this last episode but instead they chose to leave stains on characters people have loved for years and it’s over so there’s nothing left, I don’t think that’s cool...