Quote Originally Posted by wvchemteach View Post
Since the Chuck Dixon they've laid the groundwork repeatedly for a strong supporting work and then destroyed in a major crossover or jettisoned by a new creative team.

You had Clancy, John Law, Hogan, Amy, and Amygdala then Devin Grayson blew up 1013 Parkthrone killing most of them off and then they sent him to New York.

Higgins had the nice beginnings of a supporting cast with the circus then killed them off with Death of the Family and sent him off to Chicago. Then with Joey, Michael, you have a nucleus of a new supporting cast, but his run ends with the destruction of his identity in Forever Evil and it is implied the duo was killed when his apartment building was blown up.

In Grayson you have Helena, Tiger, the Skull Girls, Ashemore, etc. and then powers that be send him back to being Nightwing.

New Nightwing you have again the ground work with the Run-offs, Svobada, but I doubt Humphries will make use of any of them.

I would love to see the Run-offs stick around with Svobada, perhaps bring back some oldies like Clancy (maybe make her a resident med student who ends up patching him back together when he needs it.) Bring the Skull Girls to Bludhaven with the idea they want to become Nightwing vigilantes and want him to teach them how. There are so many possibilities.
Yup, Dick suffers from the "Wonder Woman Syndrome" , none of the attempts to create a world around don't seem to stick.